
  • I think you'll know if you're not eating enough. Your milk production might decrease, you'll feel hungry, etc. I know I get ravenous after each pumping session!
  • There's a food entry called "Nursing Mother - Breastmilk" that I like to use, because you can enter the number of ounces for each session. You're credited with 20 calories per ounce, though it does not adjust for your protein or fat intake. I'm an exclusive pumper, and usually pump between 35-40 ounces a day, 4-5 sessions…
  • You should try swimming, it's the only thing that has been keeping my sciatica at bay. Good motivator for keeping active!
  • Me! I'm due next month. Basically just eating healthy and staying active, to the best of my abilities. First trimester really wiped me out, I was completely exhausted all the time, but you do what you can. With this pregnancy, I have gestational diabetes, so it's even more important to eat right. Just don't make it a goal…
  • My dietician (I have gestational diabetes) suggested just a protein bar. Quick and easy. And since I swim at 6 am, I just eat it on the way to the pool.