

  • 253.6!! Great week with loss, failed the challenge.
  • I had a treadmill; it became an extended closet. I had weights; they gathered dust. I had a dog; he didn't want to walk either! The list was endless... so for me, I joined a gym. I have a monetary investment and because of my frugal nature, I won't waste it. I have also found that I absolutely LOVE the Zumba classes. In…
  • Messaged CaliGirl313 so we'll see how this partner thing works out. I'm not on the computer much but will make an effort to touch base once a day. :)
  • Down 1.8!! 256.0 this am! Yeah!! Don't know if we're supposed to update but I also added the two hours extra into my week.
  • Relax. One day does not negate all the positive, hard work. Forgive yourself. You had some cake. I did on Monday for my hubby's 40th. It's part of life. Study for your test, get in a workout if you can, and move on. Tomorrow is a new day. ENJOY today and quit beating yourself up.
  • Good for you! An amazing jouney. You should be very proud of yourself. Speaking personally, depression is a very serious medical condition and I'm glad you are working through it. My husband suffers from depression and also attempted suicide 3 years ago. I know it's something he works on daily. Best of luck on your last 10…
  • I can't wait for a day like that in our area. Not that I don't enjoy bright, sunny days... I just really would love a good cold, rainy day. Especially if I can be home curled up with a book! So, if you are strange then so am I!
  • Welcome! I have about 95 pounds to goal as well! I find this site is really helpful - great encouragement, motivation and tips! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Ok! I figured out how to add 2 hours to my weekly plan! Choosing that challenge! Here's to a great week everyone!!!
  • Down only 1.2, but a loss is still a loss! Sorry I missed the deadline - didn't know there was one. Was out walking a 5K with with my 2 & 5 year old daughters! Will be looking to see what the challenge for the week is!
  • As a mom of two little kids (3 & 6) - my thought is to give whatever you want. My kids think it's awesome to get coupons for a free donut at the local grocery store, a coupon for fries at McDonalds or a bag of pretzals. We don't eat any fruit or anything unwrapped (someone suggested apples) just because of the chance that…
  • Thanks to all who sent me add requests. I think I sent them to those I was missing. I'm a little new to this whole thing - could'ya tell? :) Do we update the spreadsheet or post on here? I'll be able to weigh in on Saturday but not necessarily be able to update until Monday (but I'll do my best to do it Saturday)! Team 2 -…
  • I'm in if there is still space! 1. SW 259.2 2. 1.4 per week 3. My name is Daisy, I'm a mom of 2 great girls and want to be an example for them and to be around to see them grow up. I joined mfp for knowledge and support! I love Zumba and I have a goal of going at least 3x per week!
  • Love the idea - are you going to close the group at a certain number? I find I get lost when the groups are too big and I don't have a small group to be accountable to. If so, then I'm in and have 2 goals - 1. Lose 10 pounds 2. Go to the gym no less than 3x/week. :happy:
  • I have struggled with this for a long time and finally decided a month ago that I needed to just make a plan and stick with it. I work 30-40 minutes from home and work 10+ hours/4 days a week. So, honestly, days like yesterday stink for family time. I left the house at 6:15 am, picked up my kids at 6 pm, went to Zumba, and…
  • Delish with some fresh berries and fat free cool whip! Yummmmmmmy!
  • I love "Loaded Scrambled Eggs"... 12 medium eggs 10 links turkey sausage (Banquet) 1/2 cup shredded cheese 12 spears asparagus, chopped 1/2 red pepper, chopped 1 cup spinach, torn 3 green onions, chopped 3 cloves garlic Warm up frozen sausages, crumble/chop and place in a bowl. Press the garlic into the pan, add the eggs,…
  • Jicama! I swear I'm addicted to it!!!
  • I just ordered a New Balance one yesterday. Ugh......perhaps it'll be good enough until I can afford the Polar.
  • I am in a similar situation. I opened my diary and asked folks that are doing well and have more knowledge than me to provide feedback. It was suggested that I needed to eat more - eat the calories that MFP tells me to. Granted this was only a couple days ago, so I don't have results yet, but I'm trying. You indicate that…
  • I'd be happy to be a cheerleader for ya! That's what we do here on mfp! Welcome and love your attitude, girl! Feel free to add me. :)
  • I wonder if you could help her by complementing her when she wears short sleeves or capris, by making a point of telling her how her skin glows when she doesn't have make up on, etc. This one might not work - but what about going shopping and buying her an outfit with shorter sleeves and/or capris? Good luck.
  • MFP is great. I've been here for 20 days and love the atmosphere and motivation. Welcome!!! Feel free to add me if you like. :)
  • I was thinking the same thing but quite honestly I don't have the time to be the organizer. :) I'd love to be in. I am good with 8 pounds in August (through 8/31). I'll try 10 but don't want to be the slacker and not make it! LOL. I'm trying!!!
  • Thank you all! Great info. I think I'll use the link until I can get an HRM. I've heard several times that one would be beneficial. Maybe that'll be my first 20 lost reward!
  • I suffer from low back pain also. I like do use a big yoga ball (I guess that's what they are called) and lay on it (both face up and face down). I also love the "cat" stretch - one your knees, hands on the floor, stick your butt and head up and lower your back then reverse the arch, keep butt down and head down and arch…
  • Yay for you! I also started recently and am down 5. I love the support from my MFP friends. Feel free to add me! Congrats and keep up the goodwork!
  • Do you have anyone at work that is eating similarly and have similar goals? I have 2 friends that I have partnered with for about 2 years and we bring food for the group (i.e. Wednesday is my day so I brought enough for the other 2 and me). Since we're all trying to eat about 350-400 calories packed with lean protein and…
  • As an accountant, one of the most frustrating things about losing weight is that, in the end, it's a mathmatical equation. Right? It's just that darn variable - metabolism - that is challenging to forecast/predict. Love that there are other "nerds" out there who think like me and use excel with their own journey!