shelleyannefriend Member


  • I know, healthy food is more expensive. It's much cheaper than medical expenses, though. That's how I rationalize it. Hope it helps.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I've been on a diet since the 6th grade...including WW (life member at goal for 28 years) What I've had to learn is that what I choose to put in my mouth is my choice. Nobody can make me eat (or not eat). It's awkward when someone has made something "just for me" and that's when I do the…
  • I love Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project. She has a section on deciding if you are a moderator or abstainer. I'm an abstainer so cannot have anything near me that is tempting...however, some people can consume treats in moderation. Hope this link helps.…
  • I've been on Weight Watchers since 1973, and am a free lifetime member (since 1984) so I know about Yo Yo and Plateau weight loss. MFP is great because it's an easy way to hold us accountable with people who are facing the same challenges. You might consider: 1. writing down every single morsel you put in your mouth (in WW…
  • That's a leading question and there is no right answer. It's like when the prosecutor asks the defendant "do you still beat your wife?" Either way, the answer is potentially fatal to your relationship. We all need support from our partners but really, if they are who we think they are, they will love us no matter what. THe…
  • Non Scale Victory (finding other ways to measure your success besides the scale)...could be measurements, could be fitting into something...could be NOT eating the entire chocolate Easter bunny!!!
  • Congratulations. You are beautiful in BOTH pictures, but you are HEALTHIER in the new one!!! Happy Easter!!!
  • I did, too, but Easter is a special day. I try not to feel guilty because eating good food (for those of us who aren't starving, literally) is a choice. Guilt just makes me dig deeper and take a longer time to get on track. I enjoyed the chocolate cake, three-cheese macaroni, parker house rolls with lots of real butter.…
  • Instead of a metabolism booster (which I think could be dangerous and a big waste of money) consider this: My trainer suggested we (especially women) don't get enough healthy fat....I know it sounds odd since we've been preached at for years LF yogurt, LF milk, LF everything....however, I have had great luck with: Almonds…