sarapdot Member


  • Hi there!!! I'm new as well :) I consider myself vegetarian but I don't eat eggs or milk, still struggling with the cheese issue. I've tried some of the vegan options and they just don't cut it. I usually only struggle with this when I go out to eat. Here in Texas they put cheese on EVERYTHING!!! I am also here to get tips…
    in Hello! Comment by sarapdot March 2015
  • Hello, new vegan here. :) I have never really liked meat and mostly ate just chicken. I went total veggie back in June and have now gone vegan. It's still a process and I mostly have trouble when I go out to eat. Nachos were always a go to for me because I could customize so easily. I would love some helpful tips and…
  • I started crossfit about 3 months ago. I LOVE it however I have not seen any weight loss or inches lost. :( This has been discouraging me greatly. Has anyone else had an issue like this?
    in Crossfit Comment by sarapdot June 2013