Any vegans?

i made a bad decision of going vegan at the same time as starting a new dieting regime.

are there any vegans on here? want to be 'friends'

what do you eat? does it bother you that it is all high carb?


  • gcarterIT
    gcarterIT Posts: 20 Member
    I'm consider myself a "vegetarian" (in quotes because many acknowledge different levels of vegetarianism) trying to move to veganism. "Friend" me and you can take a look at my meals. I'm only concerned about the carbs because of my diabetes. My doctor has told me to try to keep them below 45-55 per meal. Let me know if you have more questions.
  • daveloan
    daveloan Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm vegan and being so really helps me lose weight. I'm not sure what you mean by "all high carb". I eat a fairly low carb, moderate protein vegan diet with a lot of fruit and vegetables. I'm happy to friend you so you can see what I eat, if it would help you at all.

  • ana_banana85
    Hello :)

    I think it can be quite tricky to turn vegan and diet at the same time, just because both involve quite a lot of organization. I don't think either is a 'bad' decision though :)

    I try and avoid packaged vegan stuff (fake meats, fake cheese etc) as much as I can. My diet is quite high carb although I avoid bread and stick to wholemeal pasta, brown rice and so on. It's possible to do low carb vegan, but I don't think it's very sustainable in the long term.

    You're very welcome to add me and see what I eat, I'm definitely not an example of a perfect vegan (if there is such a thing) and my diet may not be right for you but I'd be glad to know another dieting vegan.
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member
    do vegans eat a lot of bread and hi carb fruits and grains like pasta and stuff?
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member
    @Ana banana - i am also trying to avoid the processed fake meats, though Quorn (non vegan) used to be a staple when i did the vegetarian atkins.

    im not vegan for weight loss, only because i realised there were ethical issues with vegetarianism. my main problem is dinner and lunch recipies. no more cheese sandwich and milk-chocolate bar! but ive got a couple recipie books coming in post so that should help
  • ana_banana85
    I too loved quorn before I went vegan, I am getting used to tofu as an alternative but tofu is not for everyone. It does take a bit of time to find a selection of 'go-to' recipes that you like, but that will happen. I hope your recipes books help - I eat quite a bit of currys, chili, noodles etc and if I'm really at a loss there's always soup or an avocado salad or a salad sandwich. Once you're organized and in the swing of things I'm sure you'll start to see a difference weight wise :)
  • sarapdot
    sarapdot Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, new vegan here. :) I have never really liked meat and mostly ate just chicken. I went total veggie back in June and have now gone vegan. It's still a process and I mostly have trouble when I go out to eat. Nachos were always a go to for me because I could customize so easily. I would love some helpful tips and tricks for a successful vegan diet. Currently I'm having trouble getting enough protein.
  • NurseGetHealthy216
    Hello everyone! I'm a very strict vegan. .I don't consume any animal products, butter or oil, caffeine, dairy, or complex processed sugars. The easiest way to really understand is to watch a documentary called Forks over knives. It's on netflix! I began my journey about 2 months ago and switched because of the health benefits and ethical reasons. I'm not a pro but I definitely have a good handle on it. I eat a variety of different food..veggies, fruit, quinoa, and if I'm craving something..I find a way to make a healthy version..not that Veganism should be used as a weightloss regime but it's been 2 and a half months and I've lost 33 pounds..I feel fantastic and energized. Feel free to friend me with any questions! Hope I helped!!