Either way you know what I meant
Yes gaining weight but muscle weight
Thank you ;) My routine has since changed I was starting off with cardio between 30-60 mins a day then I would do light weights. Dumbells and machine weights I'm now working on building muscle so I go straight to weight training and so that about 1hr to one and a half then I go do 5-15 mins of cardio (These pics are some…
No specific program I just work with weights and eat healthy These pics are from me gym sessions (some of the things I'm doing)
Thanks everyone but this is no longer an issue
This is my before and after (Now) when I posted this topic I was actually the size of pic 1 and the second pic I took last night It's so possible and if your work hard and stick to your consistency you will get here too!!!
Thank again ladies ♥️ I hope this topic can help inspire some of you new moms
Thank all of you ladies your response helps a lot ❣
OVIOUSLY that has been taken care of. Food and cals have been upped (Can you people not read) If you have no legit answere to THIS topic than please don't waist my time!
Thanks ladies
Should I be doing more cardio?
Thanks so much! Is it possible to build muscle and still lie weight without burning muscle also?? I was trying to lose more weight but everyone keeps saying I'm too skinny now and that I need to stop and just build muscle! I'm so confused cuz I do still feel I need to lose fat. But how do I lose fat and build muscle at the…
Thank you for your help! I eat such low calories because I'm afraid of weight gain (FAT) I workout strength training for about an hour sometimes a little more Monday-Saturday After my workout I am not active literally all day unless I go to the rest room My job has me sitting literally all day than I go home and sleep so…
Great thanks bunches I will check it out! And if for some reason I find a miracle I will let everyone know
I'm going to cry if I'm stuck with it foreverrrrr ;(
Wow I have no idea why I never checked or replied back to this post (of mine) I just wanto thank all of you ladies so very much! I have actually since this post lost all my weight! I am back at 127! Goal 120 but I'm more focussed on building muscle and tightening the body now! Thanks again for all your kinda words and…
Thanks guys
Thanks everyone ❣❣
Thanks ladies ♥️♥️
Thanks guys <3?
<3 Thank you guys I forgot to mention I only drink watter Monday through Saturday! Sunday I still drink water but I might have a juice or energy drink something I like also
*50 mins max*
My diet was just eatting healthy. I did NOTHING special & used no programs. I go to the gym 6 days a week about two hours a day I start with cardio (treadmill or elliptical) than small weights after & I have cheat days every weekend :) My cardio time varies everyday I've done as little as 15 mins max 50mims (Depends how I…
Thank all of you so much! I have upped my calories and will actually be changing my meals again Monday! Also trying something new :) Great advice I appreciate each and every reply :)
Thanks so much SueSueDio && vfuentes0715 <3