

  • I think you are being too hard on yourself. You are planning a wedding and writing a dissertation. That is a lot for anyone. Maybe you just need to plan for little breaks. Nothing huge, just decide that you will get up and do squats, jumping jacks, sit-ups, whatever for 10-15 minutes. If you can do that each day, then you…
  • I just started here about 2 weeks ago and I love this site. One thing I would recommend is having an accountability group. I'm involved in a Bible Study (First Place 4 Health) for spiritual, mental and physical health, at my church, and it is helping me remember to log everything I have eaten and done each day. It really…
  • I love to encourage others, just as I can use encouragement! Hopefully we can encourage each other as we begin this journey into better health. I have a Bible Study group (First Place 4 Health) which is a great accountability group for spiritual, physical and mental health. It really does help to have others around to…