

  • I love my behind, but it is definately 'healthy'. I have a pear shape, and I recently found Inc International Concept jeans at Macy's. In fact, I'm wearing mine right now. I sit on the floor a fair amound, and walk a lot, and these are super comfy. They are pricey at about $60 (pricey for me, anyway), and I have to get new…
  • Coffee is my little helper, so I can't imagine being without it. One or two cuppa a day. I use s soy creamer that is better than cream, and you're talking to someone who ADORES her dairy. I'm about to try to make the switch to stevia (if I can find one that doesn't taste like anise) or agave, or maybe back to sugar. I have…
  • BabiesEverywhere, that is a really great site. I love the idea, too bad for me that it's in the UK. I agree with you, though, it's pretty pricey but looks really nice. I don't live in the UK, so I can't speak to that. Where I live in Portland, OR, USA, I go to Trader Joe's for larger amounts of natural mixes just like…
  • I'm the same way, and always have been. If I tough it out I get really annoyed and can't keep it up and totally binge on chocolate or potato chips. Now I save up enough calories for cheerios with milk or Costco Aussie bits (sweet with lots of fiber). Just knowing I have that treat to look forward to defuses the binge.