

  • Thanks guys. @belladonna - My mom has been struggling to quit for years and the e-cig was one of the most helpful strategies for her too. @katet - i think you have a good point. sometimes we try to put a band-aid on our distress and we miss the message that we would still be OK without that "fix". I think there is even a…
  • A few years ago, i used to buy a bar of dark chocolate once a week or so, so that i could break off a square and have a meditative/calming moment. I think that could still work as long as i don't start buying more than that or start taking that behavior as justification to buy candy as a snack. here is another tip i got…
  • "If hunger is not the problem, eating is not the solution."
  • thanks guys, i appreciate the responses. I found food helps me because it interrupts feelings that might otherwise snowball if i allow myself to worry about them. Food is so convenient, and comforting in it's familiarity. But it's not the only strategy available. this is what i've gotten from this thread so far: @tjdee i…