Ameliadeitz Member


  • Thanks!!!
  • Me! I'm 5'2" and used to keep my weight in the 95 - 100 range and was then put on steroids and went up to 118! Even at 95 - 100 I had a lot of flab I wanted to lose on my thighs/hips/belly, so gaining all that weight was the final straw and I'm going full blown committed to looking how I want. I think the calorie tracker…
  • Pancake, I encourage your switch! When I went vegetarian years ago, the pounds practically fell off me! Like others have said, if you're being strict with it, check everything for meat products, they hide in everything (to give you an idea, the baked bbq Lays have chicken fat in them, for whatever reason!) As far as…
  • I have to agree with others and say it seemed you were fighting a bit on the subject. I can understand where you think that 500 calories a day is doing good for yourself, because when you really want to lose weight, it would seem the logical thing to do is way as few calories as possible. When I was younger I thought the…