Anyone 5'-5'3 and looking to lose 5-10 pounds?

Hi! I am 5'3 and 109.8 pounds. I would like to lose the extra weight I gained (I used to be 102)

I know it is a bit harder to lose when you are smaller, so I'm looking for advice from people in the same situation.

Feel free to add me, and thanks for your help!


  • I am 5'2" and 114... so I know what you mean about it being harder to loose weight when you're smaller. I am a runner so I doubt I'll ever healthily get down to 102 any time soon, but really, there's nothing quite like a good run five days out of the week to get you strong and to help you loose unnecessary weight. 102 lbs isn't all that great if there's no strength behind it.
  • zowgati
    zowgati Posts: 25
    I'm 5'6, and 66kg (132pds?) and aiming to lose about 7 pounds. I have found rather difficult to take this tool to literally as it is clearly a generic tool that works more effectively for those with large amounts to lose. I lost 5 pounds in my first week and then put on 1 pound in the last 2 weeks. I am going to use MFP as a guide as the generalisations aren't that useful when your trying to lose a little, and I agree with the above comment- my priority is to be fit, healthy and strong. I run 5 days a week, exercise everyday and am currently training for another half marathon. I dont want to be skinny, I want to to be lean, fit and strong!
  • doinme2011
    doinme2011 Posts: 42 Member
    Try being 5'2 and weighing 145 pounds!!!! It sucks!! I have too much hips and butt to get down to your size but I am shooting for 135 as my goal. It is very hard as I do quite a bit of strength training and running so that when the weight comes off, I will not be flabby. Can't seem to get the scale to move. Everyone, including my trainer, tells me that the scale does not measure success. Everyone tells me that I look good but I want to see it on the scales! I eat really well. I only take in 1200 calories a day and exercise 6-7 days a week. On three of those days I do two a days. They are extreme workouts too! Everything from cardio kickboxing to zumba. Each lasting an hour. That is why I can't figure out why I am not losing more. I also run/walk 5 miles a day.
    I don't understand! I will not give up though!!!!!!
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179

    How did you lose 5 pounds in a week?

    I thought 2 was the maximum.
  • Cici2329
    Cici2329 Posts: 35
    Me! I'm just under 5'3", currently 120-122. Want get back to 115ish. It's been tough.

  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am 4'10 and currently 95 pounds. I know that puts me in the healthy weight range and the calculators say my BMI is 20%. However after having 2 children I have a lot of belly fat and I have hips too. I would be fine staying the same weight(mind you that over the years I have actually lost about 15 pounds once I started eating better and exercising) if I can just manage to lose the belly flab and tone up. I am in the middle of doing Jillian Michaels 30 day slimdown but I haven't been making the best food choices on a daily basis so I don't think I am seeing any results. I am definitely stronger and my arms look great but nothing is changing anywhere else. It is definitely harder when you only have a little bit to lose.
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I guess slow and steady is the best way to go.

    Originally, I wanted to reach my goal by early September. Now it seems almost impossible.
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 5' 2" and I weigh 110. I started about 8 weeks ago at 116, so I've steadily lost just under a pound a week, which is pretty much what MFP predicted at 1200 calories. My goal is to get to 107 and be toned.
  • jalysons
    jalysons Posts: 73 Member
    Hi. I am 5'3 and stuck at 128. Love to get back to pre-baby of 115, but would e happy at 120 now
  • zowgati
    zowgati Posts: 25
    @bree2012. Obvioulsy it wasn't real as I haven't maintained it all! Some would be water retention.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Me! I'm 5'3 and 129 lbs as of this morning, looking to get down to 122. It's been really slow losing the weight, but I don't really care how long it takes as long as the scale trends down! I've started amping up the strength training in order to tone up, hopefully the last few pounds will just take care of themselves.
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    Hello, fellow petite myfitnesspals!

    Helpful tips to speed metabolism:
    Drink cold water. The cold temperature makes the body work harder during digestion, burning more calories.
    Eat more protein. The body takes more energy to digest protein than carbohydrates and fats.
    Eat a full breakfast to start up your metabolism and prevent mindless snacking.

    And the smaller you are, the lower your Basal Metabolic Rate. (calorie-burning abilities) Your BMR can be increased with strength training.
  • Dylanzmom
    Dylanzmom Posts: 120
    i would love to lose 10 pounds. I'm 5'1 and currently weighing 125. :frown: would love to get back to pre preg weight of 118 but i think 115 is a good weight for me. more than anything i want to be toned. I still havent lost my baby belly and its so depressing especially since my son is 2 :sad:
  • I am in the same situation. I am 5'2 and about 116lbs. For me the number on the scale does not really matter but I want to loose inches and excess body fat that has developed over the past few years.
  • Ameliadeitz
    Ameliadeitz Posts: 5 Member
    Me! I'm 5'2" and used to keep my weight in the 95 - 100 range and was then put on steroids and went up to 118! Even at 95 - 100 I had a lot of flab I wanted to lose on my thighs/hips/belly, so gaining all that weight was the final straw and I'm going full blown committed to looking how I want. I think the calorie tracker has REALLY helped. I don't go over my limit, and I try to exercise 6 days , if not everyday. So far I've lost about a pound, if not two, a week. I do about 30 mins cardio and 30 mins strength training and drink lots and lots of water and have gotten good results so far. It did take about 2-3 weeks for me to start losing the pounds, though!
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    Hi im 5.3 an im 116ibs wanna lose some lbs and to tone up really, but dont wont to have the trouble of putting weight on by turning it into muscle because i know muscle weighs more than fat doesnt it!! :cry: So im finding it difficulty on how to lose the weight an tone up at the same time :grumble: And this is only my second day... So would be gratefull if you guys added me for tips and support? Thanks guyss :flowerforyou:
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    Hi! I am 5'2.5 and my current weight is 133. I started at 165 after I had my 3rd baby. I have been really trying to lose weight since January and at first the weight was coming off easily but once I hit 135 I hit a plateau. My goal weight for now is 125 but I might change it to 120 once I get there.
  • I am so glad I found this! In 1991 I lost 35 lbs and got down to 108 by running and Weight Watchers. I usually stay around 113lb though. Last November after smoking for 30 years, I quit - but I also gained 10 lbs and can't seem to get it off. I am 5'2 and an extra 10 lbs means I don't fit in any of my clothes! I am getting so depressed and frustrated. I have lost 1/2 lb and have been walking running a mile every evening. Any help, suggestions or just motivation will be appreciated...
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    Good luck with your weight loss! I made an earlier comment in this thread about how to boost your metabolism.