mrsmitchell0510 Member


  • I am just now getting back to logging my food. I took a hiatus through my first trimester because my appetite was 100% different than it was before, I had so many food aversions, and a lot of my meals were coming back up from the morning sickness. I've got my goal set at 2,000 right now but I'm not being ultra-strict with…
  • Name, Age: Lindsay, 29 Due Date: July 21st About me: My husband and I got married last May and weren't planning on getting pregnant so soon (especially since I have PCOS - we thought it would take us a while to get pregnant), but things happen and here we are. This will be our first and we are so excited to be parents!…
  • I run alone a couple days a week and run with a friend a couple days a week. At first, I really much preferred running alone (and still enjoy it). But, my husband told me to give it some time, so I did. And now, I thoroughly enjoy the days I run with my friend. Plus, it helps keep me accountable and out running on days…
  • I workout right after work most days, so I will have an apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter about 30 minutes or so before I leave work. That helps keep me satisfied until I get home to fix dinner. After my run, I am usually pretty hungry and try to put dinner together quickly or have some of it already prepared (like…
  • Recovering closet binge eater here. I can relate with so many of these stories and it is good to know I am not alone! More times than I can count, I would go to Walmart on a Friday afternoon and fill the buggy with some of my favorite snacks like Funyuns, tortilla chips with tostitos cheese dip, cinnamon rolls, ice cream,…
  • I have recently (within the last month) come of hormonal BC and do not take Metformin. Since I have come off the BC, I have seen some of my symptoms return (my hair is shedding/falling out more often and bits of acne have popped back up). But, I did not like the BC I was on (my cycle still wasn't regular on the BC) and…
  • I have recently (within the last month) come of hormonal BC and do not take Metformin. Since I have come off the BC, I have seen some of my symptoms return (my hair is shedding/falling out more often and bits of acne have popped back up). But, I did not like the BC I was on (my cycle still wasn't regular on the BC) and…
  • I have an app that I downloaded in my iPad called Yoga Studio. It cost $1.99 and it has definitely been worth it for me because I use it multiple times a week. I love it because it has different levels (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced) and you can choose from different target workouts like Flexibility, Balance,…
  • Congrats on making it this far! Seeing progress is exciting! Running the course before the race is probably a good idea, but I would not suggest doing it the night before. I would suggest taking a day or two before the race off from running. Also, on the day of the race, I would suggest not starting off too quick. My first…
  • A vacuum sealer is a great idea! We've been talking about getting a chest freezer because we keep running out of room. Maybe stock piling ice cream will be what pushes us over the edge! :happy:
  • This made me laugh! :laugh:
  • Oh man, this reminded me that we got the ice cream attachment for my mixer for our wedding and have yet to use it! Forget Publix, I'm making ice cream tonight!
  • Publix brand Chocolate Trinity is so good! I put mine in a cup and pour a little bit of milk over it and it is delicious! Mmmm... I may need to go to Publix tonight!
  • ^I saw vismal post this in another thread and this is what I've been doing for the last month or so, graphing my weight daily. It has helped me tremendously because while I see daily fluctuations, the line on my graph is continuously going down. It's worth a try!
  • The C25K program is fabulous! I am in week 5 right now and yes, it does get better! I'm not going to lie, it's still tough, but I actually look forward to the days I get to run and see how I progress. Don't worry about speed right off the bat, just work on getting the distance and running for the entire given period. I go…
  • Years ago I had a Biggest Loser Yoga DVD that I remember being pretty good. But more recently, I've downloaded an app called "Yoga Studio" on my iPad and it is fabulous! You can choose between a ton of different "classes" that range from 15 minutes to an hour or so and target different goals like strength, flexibility,…
  • I have not done the SBD specifically, but I did decide to try a lower carb approach because I have PCOS and subclinical hypothyroidism. I try to keep my carbs below 100g per day (sometimes more on days that I run). By limiting my carb intake and upping my healthier fats, I find that I am not hungry all the time like I was…
  • ^This! I keep a bag of Hershey's Nuggets Dark Chocolate with Almonds in my fridge and will throw one or two in my lunch bag that I take to work with me each day. They're rich and delicious and satisfy my chocolate craving without derailing my calorie deficit.
  • Mmmmm..... I love carbs! It's too bad my PCOS doesn't seem to love them as much as I would like. I recently decided to try lower carb to see if it would help alleviate some of my PCOS symptoms since most of the research I was doing on PCOS seemed to show that women who tried a lower carb approach had success not only with…
  • It would be a different exercise than a rowing machine, as previous poster stated. But, still not a bad exercise. If you're going to do this exercise with the bands, I suggest lifting your legs up off the floor (almost like a half boat yoga pose) and row that way with your legs in the air, parallel to the ground. Works…
  • In for the updates! I'm in Week 3 of the 10k trainer and maybe this will help keep me motivated!
  • Yes, absolutely keep lifting while you are in weight loss mode! It will build strength and help your body to retain the muscle you already have while it burns off the fat.
  • You sound like you've already got a handle on it! Some great foods you've listed. Barilla Plus is my favorite pasta that has protein in it! I also make my own protein bars with protein powder, peanut butter, flax seed, and a little bit of water being the base. Then add in whatever I'm feeling to change up the taste. Right…
  • ^^This! You cannot make him eat differently; it has to be his decision and done of his own volition. My husband actually noticed that he had started to trim up a little bit just by me changing the way I eat (because it changes the way I cook and what foods we have in the house). It has been kind of a starting point where…
  • ^^ This is my go to when I have extra calories at the end of the day!
  • ^^ This! My Friday NSV is exactly the same! And yes, it is very motivating!
  • I'm a Seminole and we play OSU Cowboys first game. Not sure about our tailgate menu yet. I just had to stop in and say Woo Pig Sooie (hubby is an Arkie)!
  • If you get your salad "chopped" I recommend eating it right away. I got one to-go this past weekend, got it chopped, and by the time I got to eat it (about an hour or so later) it was a soggy mess and just not appetizing at all! Other than that, I've got no complaints about them!
  • Welcome! I highly recommend joining a PCOS specific group on here! Much of the general MFP community is all about calories in vs. calories out and I wish it were so simple for my body (which is battling PCOS and subclinical hypothyroidism), but it is not. Those who do not have it don't always understand. I recommend this…