

  • Pleasure to meet you, support is always good no matter where it comes from. I travel to North Carolina from time to time for business
    in I am here Comment by bevsingon July 2011
  • Question how did you set up the goal weight deal below your photo, I need to play more on this sight as I can not find where to change my goals weight and time frame. Thanks
    in I am here Comment by bevsingon July 2011
  • BTW there is a great website for gluten free information not sure I can post the website on here or not so just look up gluten free club. sign up for her e-mail 1st because she runs deals for 1 month free if you get the e-books she put together I have found them helpful then you can cancel as to be a member it does cost…
  • Hello My name is Beverly I am also gluten free not sure what you are looking for in suggestions cooked egg whites are a good breakfast I just had 2 egg whites whipped with water not milk with onion and celery sauteed in water added a little cheese and ham. this site is great as they have udi's products in there list. Hope…