spenyweit Member


  • I am in, nothing like public shame to motivate you! I will take my pic tonight. I am going to start on a vegetarian diet until Thanksgiving and I am hoping as a diabetic I can lose this ridiculous 27 pounds!
  • I notice that when I drink water, I feel fuller, desire to splurge less often, and maintain mind control over my diet. I was in the military and this is where I learned that drinking water all day takes your mind off food...it tricks your brain. I think this is what can ultimately result in greater weight loss for most…
  • Is there a tool online to tell me how many carbs and sugar I should be eating?
  • Elfie9863...like your response. No judging. I appreciate the passion of the argument in each direction. Has anyone used HCG and last weight rapidly then had a lot of sagging skin? In addition to all of the side effects, I am concerned with how your body will look after losing 30 -40 lbs in 30 days. Can anyone be honest and…