

  • Eating BACK calories is not the way to look at it. You don't say oh i just burned 500 calories i'll go eat it. You need to NET the calories in the day. your net is what you burn (living a healthy life you need at least 1200 calories, and work out) - what you eat = 0 ... CALORIES IN EQUALS CALORIES OUT. all you have to…
  • you don't even have to lift heavy weights to tone up. do some research on endurance lifting. one should never just do cardio but cardio with strength training. I had the same problem lately and started the insanity videos. It seems scary at first but it has worked and i'm only a month in. The skin will go back and gaining…
  • Be sure to eat enough. I know it sounds crazy but I had problems dropping because I wasn't eating enough every day so I would put my body in and out of "starvation mode" I actually lost more by sticking to my calorie goal. If your net is 1600, you need to eat 1600. 1200 isnt' enough. Also, look at if your protein, fat, and…
  • Congrats! Thats awesome! Based on your height and weight, use the BMI calculator under the TOOLS tab to calculate the healthy weight range for you.
  • Fitnesspal does a decent job at calculating the carbs. You should be consuming about 50% of your total calculated calories from carbs. 1 gram carb = 4 calories. On your calorie intake, you should eat about 150grams of carbs is what my dietician would tell me.