

  • They are fantastic, good on you. That is an inspiration.
  • Hi Tina Im 49 (yep the big 50 next year). The weight seems to creep on quicker as we are getting older. My hubby wants to take me on a holiday next July for the big 50 so damn it, I want to go somewhere warm so I can wear bathers... and I will. I would love to add you as a friend if you want to.
  • Wow what a fantastic effort:smile: I think you are an inspiration not just for me but for all that think "I cant do this". Well done.
  • Hmmm, I too carry a lot of weight on my thighs. I would suggest walking, lots of it if you can, not too fast cos that will build muscle. See if you can walk within your fat burning zone, which probably wont feel that fast at first but as you get fitter, your speed will increase and you can still stay in your fat burning…
  • Thats fantastic. Leslturn8
  • Youngmum - Yeah I'm finding it hard to start with, trying to remember to log in every time I eat something. But I have already learnt some lessons regarding some of my regular foods. ie I didnt know that latte's have protein (common sense after the fact says of course cos it is made with milk, der) but one latte threw my…
  • Good on you, I hope I can start to feel the benefits soon too. Keep up the good work and thanks for the support.
  • Hi Looks like i am in the same boat as you. So cool to hear that you are from Hawaii. Ironic in fact, my husband and I had just finished googling holiday packages to Hawaii for next June/July as a reward for me becoming healthier again. Later on I may have to pick your brains as to where the best places are to go. At this…
  • Cool thanks guys, I feel like I have support here, unlike other websites I have been on. Look forward to checking in and seeing your progress too.