new from Hawaii

Hi everyone!

Finally, going to be serious about the weight. I quit smoking 2 years ago and put on almost 60 pounds since then. I was just diagnosed pre-diabetic and am under doc's orders to lose weight. I had no idea how to accomplish this so I'm very happy to have found this site. In fact, I was browsing calorie apps on my phone (android) and this one looked best, by far.

The hardest thing for me, I think, is going to be measuring/etc what I'm eating. Over time, I suppose it'll all become 2nd nature. I hope.


  • Daliramire
    Daliramire Posts: 10
    Hi Looks like i am in the same boat as you. So cool to hear that you are from Hawaii. Ironic in fact, my husband and I had just finished googling holiday packages to Hawaii for next June/July as a reward for me becoming healthier again. Later on I may have to pick your brains as to where the best places are to go. At this stage we have looked at Honolulu area so any ideas would be a great help. Hope to stay in contact.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi I'm from Hawaii too...I'm getting uses to measuring my foods
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're going to do great. It'll be hard to fail. You go at your own pace and no one here is judgemental. But you'll see others on this site who may have started with more "difficult to see my way" stats, and become motivated by their progress. Also, you will have the chance to encourage others, which inturn encourages you even more. It's a win win.