LozzaMc Member


  • No caffine in vimto or sprite, diet or otherwise. I used to get major headaches if I didn't get a caffinated drink within 3 hours of having a previous one. It got so bad that I would carry caffine tablets with me just in case I wasn't able to make it to somewhere I could get a cuppa. For the record, I'm a tea drinker. If I…
  • Grave of the Fireflies. O fficially the saddest movie in the whole world, ever. (TM) It's an anime about two children in war torn Japan trying to survive after their parents die. One is a boy just in his teens, one is a wee girl who is barely 3. I've only been able to bring myself to watch it once. I'm tearing up just…
  • I live in Cumbria, so NW for me. :)
  • Is zumba basically dancing madly to music? As we have a local dance fitness programme called Moky and it's amazing fun, constantly sweating throughout! lol But I was wondering what to log that as. I've been putting it in as 'Dancing, general', guess I've been under calculating it if it could count as aerobics. If you go to…
    in Zumba Comment by LozzaMc August 2011
  • 'Just ten minutes' is a rule that seems to e helping me most at the moment. When I'm feeling all unmotivated to go out for a walk or dance or do any kind of exercise, i just tell myself 'just ten minutes then I'll stop'. More often than not those ten minutes fly by and, seeing as I'm already doing it, I just carry on for a…
  • I got called Laus as a kid, and when the internet was new my dad made me an email account and I asked for the name to be laus, He misheard and wrote in Loz. Loz grew to Lozza, and the Mc is just the start of my surname. I only use two names online, this is one of them, lol.
  • Morrisons 'The Best' Coleslaw. Damn it's delicious and I could easily eat a whole container in one go. At 600 odd calories it's not the good snack I used to think it was! I haven't dared buy it since I started MFP, especially as I am the only one in the house who likes coleslaw and thus would HAVE to eat it all to myself,…
  • IHi I'm Laura too! i'm kinda new as well, only been using the site for two weeks but not delved into the forums really. you've stepped into a great thing here, i hope you have a great journey to health. :)