

  • Hi TIA, You are doing so well! Don't give up! I know how frustrating it can be. I think you have just hit a plateau and it will just take some work and determination to push past it. At each stage of the game your body decides to do its own thing. We (our bodies) are designed to adapt to whatever is happening. That is most…
  • It's not bad and there is nothing in it but flavor so it is an easy way to get in your water without adding anything you don't want. I prefer the peach tea but its not my first choice. My kids love it and that helps to get them to drink water. My personal favorite is Crystal Light Peach Tea. It only has 5 calories per…
  • I always gain right as my period starts! I hate it but I know that it will go again once I'm done. If you are doing any strength training that could do it too. My husband is a personal trainer and the low carb part of a diet is very, very difficult because that is your body's fuel source...it is also the only source of…
  • Hi! I wish there was an easy way to help on a personal level. My hubby is a personal trainer and he is helping me get back into it. I just got done...I wish I had 5lb dumbells to work with instead of a Bowflex and him pushing me!!! LOL... I haven't looked at Youtube as the other post suggested but I'm sure there are sites…
  • Hi! I lost weight quickly at first then stopped or even gained. You probably did plateau and what you need to do is make sure that you don't give up. Just keep eating your necessary calories and keep up the exercise and you will push past that plateau. My biggest problem with my weight is that I don't eat enough calories.…
  • I love Shinedown...Their music is faster and has a lot of power behind it...Depth in the lyrics, too! Have fun!!!
  • Hi! There is a great app called Cardio Trainer. It tracks almost any exercise you do and tells you your calories burned. It will track you via GPS to show you your route, time, mph, etc. Very nice...then you can input the time and calories into MFP! As for your kids, I have an app on my phone for mine as well. It is called…
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