

  • I was the fat mom, too, and completely understand. 10 months ago, I was where you are now. And I'm no longer the fat mom! 57 lbs gone, and another 31 to go. But let me tell you, it's worth every effort to take care of yourself and be healthy, happy and beautiful. Good luck!
  • My DL weight is my goal. It's what I actually weighed when I was 16. Never changed it. Now I'm 31! Hopefully I'll get back to DL weight by early next year! (Then I'll have to go back for a new photo.)
  • Thanks for being so welcoming. I love this site already! And of course, I wrote about it on my blog.
  • Hi everybody, My name is Susan and I'm a loser--of 56 lbs, that is (and counting). I've been living fit since the beginning of this year, and so far haven't kept track of food or exercise, except in my head. But I feel like the last 30 lbs are going to come off a lot slower unless I kick it up a notch. So that's why I'm…