

  • Sounds like water weight to me. You can't physically lose 7lbs of fat in 3 days. It's impossible! You might of had a lot of liquid to drink when you last weighed yourself 3 days ago and not drank as much 3 days later. It takes a deficit of 24,500 calories to lose that much fat. That's why diets like Lighter life, you lose…
  • If i were you I would eat as close as you can to the calories allocated but if your not hungry there is no reason to force yourself to have the entire calorie allowance. Some days you will feel hungrier than others so i wouldn't worry too much and just eat round about what you have been allocated.
  • I tried to do it the day before using a floatation belt. I can't run either as i had major back surgery in Feb. I used to run 7 days a week and I've done loads of races before i got injured! It's hard work due to the resistance and your meant to burn more calories aqua jogging than running outside as water is denser than…
  • I completely agree with you. i fall in the category of people who hates my fat legs and small boobs! When i tell people that I hate my fat legs, people just laugh at me and say what fat legs! I tend to always cover my legs as there covered in scars and bruises but no-one seems to notice until i point them out. We are our…
  • I wouldn't concentrate on other people and just become and better version of yourself. Looking at others is not helpful. We are all made differently. Obviously, i'd like to have features that others have and that I'll never have but i try not to focus on them and embrace what i do have. Personally i've met ladies who might…
  • Thanks. I'd log it as light/moderate. I swim 50 laps in 30mins and count that as light/moderate... I usually do 100 laps when i go to the pool though... Are you doing front crawl or breaststroke as obviously you'd be slower doing breaststroke and the calorie burnt would be more than if you were doing front crawl as its…
  • Swimming is an excellent form of exercise and i would say that normally you would eat the calories back but thats only if you need it. If your not hungry then no point in forcing yourself to eat the extra calories. Plus when your heavier you lose weight a lot quicker than someone who is near the end of their weight loss…
  • Just make room for it in your calorie allowance or do a workout that would burn it off. Ice cream doesn't have a huge amount of calories if you only eat a cup of it. I eat sweet treats daily but i make room for it in my daily calorie allowance... You don't have to go cold turkey otherwise you end up bingeing and if you…
  • I've been in that situation too and I'm now a healthy weight but i've put on a bit more weight than i wanted to after had major back surgery. I've not been able to exercise as much as i used to and ive been eating way more than i need to so hence the weight gain. A few years ago i was near anorexic and then bullimic. I was…