

  • I finished the 30 days last week and decided to repeat it again this month. We have a very busy schedule in May and I think if I try to start a longer workout, I'll end up skipping it too many nights. 20 minutes seems to be my magic number. This time around I plan to do a different level each night. I've already missed…
  • I liked level 2 because there was less jumping than level 1. That jumping jack/jump rope cardio section always made my calves cramp up. Level 3 brings back the jumping exercises, but they don't bother me as much as that one section. Tomorrow is my last day of the shred (never thought I'd get here!). I'm definitely stronger…
  • Unfortunately, there are too many cases of women swearing they will never ever want kids, only to change their minds later in life. Something about turning 30 and realizing that you may have only 5 years left to have kids does weird things to people. The doctors are terrified that these women will sue them in 10 years for…
  • That sucks. I wish I could offer some miracle advice, but I don't have any. Hopefully your doc will eventually find a way to help you. Ugh, what a horrible thing to have to go through.
  • If your migraines are that severe, you need to talk to a doctor and make sure there's not an underlying condition causing them. I went through the same thing you described 2 years ago. I've had migraines ever since middle school, but they didn't become debilitating until I reached my late 20s. A week after my 30th birthday…
  • Just wanted to report that level 3 is evil. Like evil, evil. :devil: I was actually yelling at my TV last night. I've also found a whole new range of muscle groups that I've never used before. Sumo squats and rockstar jumps are my new nemesis. So what happens when we finish the shred? Does everyone plan to just keep…
  • I'm on day 21 of the shred. I still can't get through the level 1 jumping jacks/jump rope cardio section without serious cramps in my calves. Apparantly I've never used those muscles before I got this DVD. :tongue: I've been spending 10 days on each level and progressing even if I can't do everything 100%. Over the weekend…
  • Welcome back! Level 2 cardio is much easier for me, but damn those plank moves... Congrats for sticking with it! I finished day 10 of level 2 last night. My husband provided "encouragments" as he sat in the recliner drinking wine. :noway: Fortunately he did offer to cook dinner so I wouldn't have to skip the workout. Guess…
  • That's why I love this workout, it's really hard to skip a 20 minute program. :smile: Finished day 8 of level 2 on Sunday. I also stepped on my dog during the back/forward lunges (he laid down right behing me). Man was he pissed at me for the rest of the day.
  • Any of the popular workouts right now incorporate plank moves (P90X, 30 Day Shred, etc) if you're looking for a whole new routine. Otherwise I'd just google plank exercises and you should get more pictures, links, and videos than you'll ever need. Good luck :smile:
  • I just wanted to add that swimming is a FANTASTIC exercise for your abs. You're also working every muscle group without the impact or strain of other exercises. Please don't think that you're copping out by swimming, you're actually doing one of the best full body workouts. I will also second the suggestion to do plank…
  • Yesterday was level 2 day 3 and I was so not in the mood to work out. My weight is only down 2 lbs and I was really starting to beat myself up mentally. I struggled through the exhaustion and mental blocks and did the workout anyway. I am so glad I didn't give up. I took my measurements this morning and I've lost one inch…
  • Missed my workout on Saturday. I planned to workout in the afternoon but I got tied up running errands and then my husband wanted to do a date night. Is it wrong that I was actually annoyed to be missing my workout for dinner with my husband??? I did over indulge at dinner and re-gained some weight. So frustrating that it…
  • Did level 1, day 8 last night. I’m realizing that I spent years developing arm muscles necessary for drinking wine, which apparently differ greatly from those needed to do a push-up. Maybe I should try switching to margarita’s this weekend. :happy:
  • I'm so happy to find others struggling through the 30 day shred! Tuesday was Level 1, day 6 for me. I still can't do push-ups to save my life but the other strength exercises are getting easier. At first I had to alternate arms during the anterior raises, but now I can almost keep up. I am having major problems with the…