Killeen_bride2be Posts: 90
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
OMG!! I just started the Jullian 30 day shred dvd day 1 and never knew how out of shape I was. I am out of breath after the 3rd set of jumping jacks lol. How long did everyone go before they ran out of breath their first time?


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i hate push ups. hate them. i can never keep up on that part and my form sucks. but after that part, i find the workout fine.

    haven't done the workout in a while though. been going to the gym instead.
  • meganm86
    meganm86 Posts: 9 Member
    I know! The first day I couldn't even finish the whole thing then I had to take a nap LOL. Now I'm on day 6 and can completely make it through comfortably! It def gets easier. My hubby also does it with me which keeps me motivated bc he will infact make fun of me if I puss out and quit. The only thing I can't do is the butt kicks.... They give me awful shin splints :( But I do jumping jacks instead of the butt kicks. Good luck and stick with it.
  • migallen
    migallen Posts: 13
    the first time I got on the elliptical machine, I couldn't even finish a minute. I felt like everyone was looking at me at the gym after I got off of it after 30 seconds. :embarassed:
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    lol I am starting Level 2 tonight!

    It took me 19 days to do level 1, lol hated the jumping jacks and push ups, excited to see what level 2 is!
  • Anita1271
    Anita1271 Posts: 56
    I totally understand!!! I started Level 1 in January, and I couldn't make it past the first 7 min, when I started it. But because of that, I knew it would work, so I stuck with it. But I did level 1 for 4 months LOL! I just started Level 2 last week, and it's tougher, but Level 1 helped get my endurance up and can get through Level 2 with only a few breaks. But just stick with it!!! It does and will get better!!! :smile:
  • corndog05
    corndog05 Posts: 53
    How many levels are on the dvd? How many minutes to each level? And what is the total time of the dvd?

    I've been thinking about doing something like this. I'm really interested now.
  • Shannoncore
    Shannoncore Posts: 135
    hmm i have it and its still in the wrapper. maybe i should pull it out...
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Stick with it, it does get easier, and it does work. That being said, it doesn't get "too" easy. I went through all 30 days, and I'm now alternating between Level 1 and Level 2, sometimes adding Level 3 in there. I still have trouble in certain spots!

    The Shred brought about these changes:
    1. I've lost 17 lbs. (of course, also from healthy eating)
    2. I can now touch my toes (couldn't before)
    3. I have definition in my arms that wasn't there before
    4. I have more endurance, especially cardiovascular. I was at my daughter's soccer game yesterday and had to go back to my car during halftime. I had to park pretty far away, at least a quarter-mile. I decided to run, get a little calorie burning in. I ran the whole way to my car! Without problem! I could have never done that before.

    Stick with it! If it wasn't hard, wouldn't you doubt its worth? :flowerforyou:
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    i had completed insanity a few weeks before starting the shred. so really how much harder could it be? from what i heard, i really expected the shred to just be a light work out.

    the cardio, and abs, were easy enough. but the strength killed me. the most work i've ever done with hand weights was playing with my mom's as a kid. i chose to use 2lb weights, and each time it cycled back to strength i wanted to die. i'm on day 10 today. strength still sucks, but for the most part i can get all the way through without stopping or cheating. level two scare me though.
  • SexyIsPainful
    SexyIsPainful Posts: 42 Member
    I couldnt make it thru the jumping jacks at first either. I can now do them. I've been following the exercisetv plan and I am on day 20. Havent lost alot of weight however, my eating habits are sometimey..... sometimes I eat well other times I dont. I do see alot more definition in my body though and my endurance has increased. I dont like doing the squats and lunges.......
  • SexyIsPainful
    SexyIsPainful Posts: 42 Member
    i had completed insanity a few weeks before starting the shred. so really how much harder could it be? from what i heard, i really expected the shred to just be a light work out.

    the cardio, and abs, were easy enough. but the strength killed me. the most work i've ever done with hand weights was playing with my mom's as a kid. i chose to use 2lb weights, and each time it cycled back to strength i wanted to die. i'm on day 10 today. strength still sucks, but for the most part i can get all the way through without stopping or cheating. level two scare me though.

    I like level 2 better than level 1 - she say its tougher but its easier to me.
  • Just start slow and push through it! I get out of breath every time but I push through it and remind myself that it is only 20 minutes. Don't start out giving it your all and then you can't finish, start out at a good pace and finish at the same pace, I find that by the end I can do the cardio section with a "little" bit more grace than the first one. Also, don't stop for more than 5 seconds. If you can't do all of the jumping jacks or all of the push ups, just do what you can and move somehow until the next exercise. Good luck!!! It does get easier!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    How many levels are on the dvd? How many minutes to each level? And what is the total time of the dvd?

    I've been thinking about doing something like this. I'm really interested now.
    There's 3 levels, each one progressively harder than the others and they're all 20 min workouts. It's also $9 at walmart + the cost of hand weights so definitely not expensive.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I agree...find level 2 'easier'
  • I went back and tried it again after takeing a break but everytime I get to the jumping jacks and the jump rope, my knees start killing me. I have no leg strengh anymore. I was a 130lbs cheerleader and ran track in high school so it makes me so mad that I have let my self go like this. grrr. lol. Since excercise t.v. let me watch it again for a couple more days, I am going to keep practiceing with it untill I can get at least through everything without stopping
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    I just got done with the Level 1 workout (like 10 minutes ago) and this was my 3rd day. The first day I got through the first set of push ups fine (on my knees of course) the second set I couldn't get off the floor...LOL!! Now it's the 3rd day and I can do all of the push ups!! The jumping jacks and jump rope kills me...other than that the rest is fine, HARD, but fine. I love the burn that I get during the ab workouts, it's my favorite!! Good Luck and whatever you do, don't give up!
  • MsRitz
    MsRitz Posts: 15
    I'm on day 21 of the shred. I still can't get through the level 1 jumping jacks/jump rope cardio section without serious cramps in my calves. Apparantly I've never used those muscles before I got this DVD. :tongue:

    I've been spending 10 days on each level and progressing even if I can't do everything 100%. Over the weekend I wasn't feeling well and decided to go easy on myself and revisit level 1. Yup, still don't have calf musles.

    I am gaining strenth in my arms though and can now do at least 1 "real" push-up during each set.

    Stick with it everyone! I've only lost 3 lbs but I'm definitely losing inches. :happy:
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