

  • Add me if you like! My goals are pretty similar, although I'm trying to get less hung up on the number on the scale and more into how my clothes fit and how in shape I actually am. :)
  • I hear you! I am a new teacher and between lesson plans and meetings and taking care of our new rental house (first house!) I get those sweet cravings like crazy! I have found that having a small amount of high quality dark chocolate on hand helps. It is more expensive so I am less likely to eat the whole bar ;) My husband…
  • I am relatively new here too and kind of in the same boat as you with the hubby. Feel free to add me!
  • I will be starting week 4 of Insanity tomorrow. It hasn't been impossible. I would agree that if you are in decent shape you will be fine. I used to be a runner in HS and a little in college and have slowly gained weight as work and family has taken over. i haven't lost any pounds yet, but I have noticed my lower half…
  • 5'5 about 160 (although we don't have a digital scale so I'm not sure that's entirely accurate) goal weight: 135-140. Most people say I don't look my weight, so more generally looking to lose fat/gain muscle and tone up married 3 years, no kids, 2 cats :)