

  • please feel free to add me - I too need an accountabilibuddy! I was doing so well but fell off the last few weeks and I dont want to fail again! I am not on too much but will commit to logging my food and exercise every day!!
  • I completely know how you feel - I too do not drink coffee or tea and am well known for always having a diet Pepsi or Coke on my desk - people cannot understand how I can drink it first thing in the morning but hey, it works for me!! I also work in the Financial Industry ( Trainer/Team Leader for Sun Life ) - maybe it is…
  • wow, I really needed to see this to keep me focused, you look amazing!!!
  • wow, you look great - totally can see the difference - you look awesome!! way to go!!
  • Nanaimo on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia,
  • please add me as a friend - only been on here a few days but am loving it and it is so encouraging - when ever I feel like eating something I should not I just log on and get the support that I need instead of food!
  • Hi there I am 47 (and a half!) - and totally understand where you are coming from! The big M is in full swing for me and wow, it can really change your body if you are not in decent shape at the start! I was down to my 160 and then let it all fall apart and back to 195 ( well now 190!!) and with the big M, my shape has…
  • Hi Mary, I totally understand the part about fitting in exercise! I work at a desk job and then between looking after my mother, spending time with my boyfriend and spending time with my girls and grandson, it is so hard. I always feel like I am taking away from someone to get in some exercise - my goal is just a 30…
    in Hi!! Comment by grandmasusan July 2011
  • Hi! I would be happy to be a friend! just started myself a few days ago - really liking it- my daughter is on here too! Positive support, so nice - no one promising miracles, just telling you that you need to eat right and get moving and it will work - I love all the different people, always someone there to inspire you!!…
  • Hi there, Just started a few days ago myself and really find it great. Everyone is so encouraging and helpful - good luck, glad to have you on the journey~
  • That is awesome!! That is no small victory!!
  • He loves you for you! We all see our own faults way more than anyone else ever does. My boyfriend thinks I look fantastic in a swimsuit and I am 40 pounds over weight! But all that really should matter is that he loves you and finds you attractive - that is what is important - to him you are beautiful just as you are! Go…
  • You look amazing - way to go!!