

  • I hate running too ... and my knees hurt, even though I have some pretty rockin' running shoes. It's just really hard on my knees. I just brisk walk, instead, and tie 5-pound ankle weights to each ankle ...
  • Workout first thing in the morning --- before your brain is active enough to make excuses. I have my workout gear and shoes next to my bed, so when I get up, I am forced to put it on. The other thing that's helped me is to hang a "goal outfit" (something I haven't been able to get into in years that I'd like to put on…
  • For breastfeeding, they say you're supposed to eat your pregnancy calories (usual calories +300) + 500 extra cals. I know, it seemed like too much. I actually had to get a big milkshake everyday to meet those caloric needs. My weight didn't really start going down until 6 months into breastfeeding and it fell off until…
  • I've got the same issue. I say ease into it and eat some good carbs with your protein (ex. fruits, veggies). Eventually, your body will adapt. Too much of something, right away, can cause nausea. It did that to me when I increased my protein and again when I incxreased my fiber. Also, if you're adjusting from being a…