

  • 1. Fieldsy 2. active52 3. nos150 4. lt_mrcook 5. Sammywil 6. heaverchell 7. kissyfur26 8. goal4good 9. yatesam 10. Jaygirl3 11. kayakgirl11 12. Usbornegal 13. terihaddad 14.Jadynsmom 15. Nelski 16. oeys 17. Rehtse77 18. karenkay25 19. jklong44 20. QUEENSTATUS 21. katy285 22. kittybells 23. gem_cat 24. s_ip 25. nrimas 26.…
  • Getting ready to create this post too! I have 100lbs to lose and this will be the year.. let's maybe create some teams out of this "Big" group and "Go For It" checking each other and encouraging each other? Anyone game.???
  • Great motivation! Thanks.. AWESOME!
  • I have another lady on another site that's gonna join me here and we are both needing to lose 100+ lbs.. you wanna join us in accountability? I welcome it! 36b year old mother of three living in Charlotte, NC needing to loss 100lbs... We can do it!