ccather Member


  • What do you do for cross training? When I trained for my first and again for my second-6th half marathons, I developed bursitis and IT band syndrome. I took a long time to get all that to calm down. In order to ramp my running back up, I had to make sure to cross train. As PP mentioned, building up my glutes (squats,…
  • Double check your calories on that smoothie. You have all the things I put into my favorite smoothie (a knock off of Tropical Smoothie Cafe's Island Green) I make a double batch with a whole banana, two fist fulls of spinach, Dole pineapple in 100% juice, and frozen mango. My total for the blenderful is 630 calories and I…
  • I'm a 38 F and I run and do boot camp. I have Enell bras. Love them! They strap it all down so I can go!! Expensive but I'm worth it ;)
  • I did my first two Duathlons on my mountain bike that I put slicks on. I didn't want to invest in a bike unless I decided that this was a sport I could enjoy. I have since decided that multisport is freaking awesome and I really enjoy it! I decided to majorly upgrade in the bike department (AKA Throw Money At The Problem)…
  • I feel compelled to rep the fat-n-slow runners! I ran my first half in '12 at about 218lbs and I finished in my goal of under three hours with a time of 2:58:58. I've since run 3 more half's this year and my time has bee right around the three hour mark still. I've actually improved my running time, but have lost ground in…
  • In regards to the knee stuff. I went through a lot of pain and healing time with my hip/knee/muscles after jumping from 5K to 10K then to Half Marathon in the same year. Here are some lessons learned that will hopefully help someone else NOT wind up benched for 6-9 months while things calm down! 1 - CROSS TRAINING! Do that…
  • How did your race go! We need a report! :)
  • Oh! And good luck on your race! Don't forget to enjoy yourself! :)
  • I'm bigger than you and I sucked it up and wore a one piece tri suit. Best. Thing. Ever. Sure, wearing that much spandex was a bit much for the complex I have about my body. But the minute I put it, I felt like I could take on THE WORLD! Know what else? If folks do not like seeing a big girl kickin' it on the tri…
  • I come from the WW world as well. I lost about 55 lbs with them before I had my kids, but gained it all back with my last pregnancy. :( I could never get back into the swing of things with it. I like what I'm doing now much better and think it's long term sustainable. I think your point about the smoothie illustrates some…
  • It completely depends on what I've been up to in order to create that deficit, what my eating looked like that day and what the day before and the day after will look like. If I do any distance running in a day, say 8+ miles, my calorie burn will start to add up. Sometimes I can't eat them all back (if I'm making super…
  • I have the Body Media Link too. You can tie the apps together so that Body Media sends your "earned exercise calories" to MFP. It's not always an exact science. I more keep an eye on the deficit that I maintain in the Body Media app on the phone. As long as I'm near (or will be by midnight which requires some mental maths…
  • DUs are a great way to get into multisport events without having to deal with the water part of it all. We have women's sprint DU in my area that I've done the past two years as well as one that I did in Bethany Beach, DE. Both are really great events. When I signed up for the first one (the women's sprint. 2 miles run, 13…
    in Duathlon Comment by ccather March 2014
  • Living with Colitis here and I would vote for the Y. Swimming doesn't have to be structured lap time. Use the rec time the Y has and go play as a family. Just moving around in the water is tiring. Our Y has lots of "free" classes that are included with memberships. Are there some classes that he and/or some family members…
  • It's a fun thought and is probably a statistically negligible increase in calorie burn. (Although I'm still confused over how fat is burning calories. I didn't think fat cells were calorie burners.) Overall I think that article was just trying to find a silver lining to the bitterly cold winter the Mid Atlantic has had…
  • Ice for the shins as well. Also pop on some compression sleeves first thing in the morning when they are bothering you and right after a run when they're not. This will help keep the inflammation from going crazy. Sample compression sleeves: I…