

  • You are so beautiful! And, that's regardless of the pounds. I salute (<- I've been watching too many "Army Wives" episodes...) your progress, lady! Really speaks to your determination, courage for change, strength in choices, endurance, and wisdom. Ellen
  • Thanks so much! I ran 39 minutes with my dog today. It was remarkable, and I followed it up with 20 push-ups, boiled kale, a poached egg, and a piece of toast.... plus coffee :smile: Thanks again for your support. Keep up the good work yo'self!! Ellen
  • Hello all! Just wanting support for running tomorrow. It's chilly, windy, and wet here, but I can't let that get in the way of my recent (3 days this week) running trend after a hiatus for over 8 months that included much alcohol, many parties, and more than 10 lbs... Hope you're enjoying the season! Ellen