Lunges are okay. I find in most videos they do them way to fast and I suffer with the form when trying to catch up. But BURPEES...I will click off a video if doing burpees. I have tried and tried them and my body just feels "off" kilter. It is uncomfortable and slightly painful. Hate them.
I had a rough job for 12 years plus horrid commute. I have now been working a job with great commute. It started out great but every 3 months they keep making significant changes. I was bringing work home but learned that was wrecking my mind and body. I decided my mental health is most important. So, I am behind on work…
A lot goes into that determinants of health for the location of that church and community it is in and attitude of pastor. I do believe God wants us to be healthy and help others to do the same but st the same time do not make fitness/health an obsession.
I am for them but totally against them being tied to a job. If they are tied to a job they need to say it in the interview. People need jobs!
That is for all sciences. See if there is any insight to it. Just because it was studied does not mean a good one. With nutrition I find Western science believes if they did not find or prove it then it is not true. Well, not necessarily true either. You may have just not found it yet or it really not be a reality.…
I understand you plight...You want to motivate people to care for their and be more active as a family! I saw a mom the other day overweight but she was jogging and her son (he looked 12)who was obese was with her and her daughter who was younger like 7. I was applauding them because she was working it out and had her kids…
Hey!!!! YOu are NOT sissy girls! You are fitness queens working on building your power up! Trust me more often then not men need to do the very same thing but they are too vain to do the knee ones! As one of my trainers said most men lift waay too much weight but they are showing off. I am not good at prolonged…
cool I will walk up the steps to garage (5 flights) instead of using the elevator today! Woo Hoo!
I could definitely go for ad venture.
I need to go see a podiatrist...sigh!
Miss Warrior I love both the truck on the side of the road and the Farmer's Market! I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE strawberries! Woo HOO! Asparagus! Yummo! I can't wait! To me it makes dishes taste soooo much better when you get in season. I stopped buying strawberries out of season.
Better late then never and I say you all did GREAT! Any effort is great work! Give self applause!
I guess no one likes yoga. Well, I did this and felt better afterwards. I can't do some of things she did but I midify to suit my needs. I don't feel as tight.
Either pick one with no more than 4-5 grams of sugar per serving and has Fiber or make your own cereal. Incredible easy believe it or not.
Try with my stairs in house.
I saw it tonight on cable. Disappointed. I read the book too. I understand leaving certain parts out but to me they didn't biild up why he was a good leader. It seemed 'spotty' like you were missing something.
- Just a little FYI
Make it yourself. It is sooooooooooo easy you will wonder why you never did it before!!!!!!!
- I just picked one ingredient and looked it up! Used to plastics yet it is in my food?!?!?
So far I like it. Bottom line like others say...need good writers. If writing gets bad show will go to toilet.
DANG that sounds goooooood where did you read this???
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I was told that was apart of my issues too with my knees except mine were the flexor muscles were too tight! but yes I soooo agree we must go hard with exercise but when I am in the gym I notice how a lot of folks do not stretch! Flexibility is so crucial! Maybe fitness people like Shaun and JMs should…
I think I will try the asparagus salad one.
EXCELLENT resource thank you! I also had a friend of a friend from India say the women use turmeric to help with excess bleeding during the monthly cycle. I have been using extra in my food and by golly it works! I usually bleed like a slaughtered pig but it has cut it down some and I love it!
I am not sure how you guys can't see it? I will send the first to you.
I don't know any but that would make me laugh!
Amen sister AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't ever remember in comics that Wolverine killed Jean Grey!?!?!?!