annasart Member


  • I weigh every morning before breakfast. I feel it tends to keep me aware of the things I'm doing right or wrong!
  • Mmmmm just checked my box does not say, but I'm sure that's right. So maybe I will keep it too! Thanks!
  • OMG just added sugar and I have only 2 grams left for the day with dinner and 2 snacks left to eat. I guess my morning Raison Bran may need to go since it has 16 and I am allowed 24 for the whole day!
  • Thanks for the tip on adding sugar tracking......I have a major sweet tooth!
  • Don't give up and wait until after Christmas! I figure if I can get through Christmas without my usual 10 pounds gain I will still being doing well.So don't worry about the small up and downs your ahead of the Holiday weight issues! There are so many tempting goodies this time of year if I don't watch it most days I will…