

  • I'm telling you, find out where you have Zumba classes in your neighborhood, I'm losing weight so easy with these classes. I go to my classes everyday and would go more if I could, so much fun and very good workout. LOVE IT ,try yourself.
  • If you have possibility to go Zumba dance class, DO IT, the best and fun cardio you can get:happy:
    in Zumba Comment by Tuovit December 2008
  • I need to loose 125 pounds and so far 79 more to go. I went to gym today to join the Zumba classes and doing that they gave everybody an applepie...:mad: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • Hi Michelle, the best thing is that you recognize your own mistakes and that is very important. There is lots of people wondering why they gain or don't loose weight while popping potato chips in their mouth and "doing exercise". I think the first step is to understand your mistakes. I have a husband who is trying to…
  • I'm very much on swimming, it is so easy work out without killing yourself AND because I'm big girl and walking might be too much for me now (and it is too hot to walk anyway here in Florida). I do swim 1 mile a day and 5 days a week I do water aerobicks............and I love it. Good luck to everybody!!!
  • Started this thing few weeks ago and loving it!! I live here in Lake Worth, Florida and I'm lucky one to be able to swim everyday outdoors and that's what I've been doing few weeks now, so far lost 34 pounds, still many, many more to go.I think swimming is really great way to start "new life" specially when I'm big girl. I…