In Need of a Little Extra...Support

Hi! I'm Michelle of Michigan and since I have had a baby 2 years ago the weight issue has been literally growing! I married 10 years ago and have slowly been adopting quite negative eating & exercising habits-never consistant. My husband is a poor eater and does not care to live the active lifestyle I do, so I have slowly gotten less & less active overall. Before I had our son 2 years back, I was in my worst shape. Muscle nonexistent, up a few pants sizes, at the top of the wrung for my age and height. Completely out of shape. Blah!

After the baby came, my husband said he would start working out with me, but it is as if I have been waiting for him. I have decided to take matters into my own hands, as I should've done in the first place. I eat well. I love my vegetables and most days do not drink anything other than water. However my issue in the past couple years has been sweets. (and portion size at times) With the extra bulge that comes with pregnancy, I have not been able to fit into clothes, even though I weigh the same prepregnancy. I have now been eating a small breakfast, am snack, light lunch, pm snack and reasonable dinner. I try to not eat after 7-8 at night, although this fall has found me having a small snack (not always healthy) in the evening as well. So my eating has slowly been coming along. My thing is I have been maintaining in the past couple years, but not losing.

Since baby, I have not been regular with exercise, although I do take many walks & bike rides with him, it is not always intense enough and sometimes we just go down to the park and home. Nothing too fat burning. This site has helped me to truly realize what I am putting into my body and has given me the extra motivation to exercise at the end of the day, if I have not had time to get anything in. This will be especially beneficial with winter coming. I have come home, entered any afternoon snacks & dinner and when I see where I am, which has been borderline goal needs most nights in this last week and I have quickly gotten my things finished I needed to get done for the evening & gone out for even just a quick little run. Just enough to put me a bit under goal. A couple nights I even have turned around right then and gone out for a jog or popped in a 30 min. exercise video. Things I have not been doing lately. It is that extra activity for me that I truly need right now. I don't have the support from family or friends, so I need to just do it and be a model for myself.

It has been good reading others stories and I know I will continue to come back to this site, not only for my daily goals, but for that extra support that I am not getting from those around me. I need to get these healthy habits permanately established now, before too much more time passes by. I am 30 now, I don't want to be doing this when I am 40. I want to be fit & slim when I am 40. I want to look like I am still early 30's when I am that age. If I keep going how I am today, I will end up like my mother at 55, and she is not happy. It is all worth it now to get ahold of a healthy lifestyle in order to not pay for it later. Especially since it feels so good to be healthy.

Thanks for all of your stories. I look forward to seeing progress from all.


Created by - Free Diet Journal


  • michelleac
    Hi! I'm Michelle of Michigan and since I have had a baby 2 years ago the weight issue has been literally growing! I married 10 years ago and have slowly been adopting quite negative eating & exercising habits-never consistant. My husband is a poor eater and does not care to live the active lifestyle I do, so I have slowly gotten less & less active overall. Before I had our son 2 years back, I was in my worst shape. Muscle nonexistent, up a few pants sizes, at the top of the wrung for my age and height. Completely out of shape. Blah!

    After the baby came, my husband said he would start working out with me, but it is as if I have been waiting for him. I have decided to take matters into my own hands, as I should've done in the first place. I eat well. I love my vegetables and most days do not drink anything other than water. However my issue in the past couple years has been sweets. (and portion size at times) With the extra bulge that comes with pregnancy, I have not been able to fit into clothes, even though I weigh the same prepregnancy. I have now been eating a small breakfast, am snack, light lunch, pm snack and reasonable dinner. I try to not eat after 7-8 at night, although this fall has found me having a small snack (not always healthy) in the evening as well. So my eating has slowly been coming along. My thing is I have been maintaining in the past couple years, but not losing.

    Since baby, I have not been regular with exercise, although I do take many walks & bike rides with him, it is not always intense enough and sometimes we just go down to the park and home. Nothing too fat burning. This site has helped me to truly realize what I am putting into my body and has given me the extra motivation to exercise at the end of the day, if I have not had time to get anything in. This will be especially beneficial with winter coming. I have come home, entered any afternoon snacks & dinner and when I see where I am, which has been borderline goal needs most nights in this last week and I have quickly gotten my things finished I needed to get done for the evening & gone out for even just a quick little run. Just enough to put me a bit under goal. A couple nights I even have turned around right then and gone out for a jog or popped in a 30 min. exercise video. Things I have not been doing lately. It is that extra activity for me that I truly need right now. I don't have the support from family or friends, so I need to just do it and be a model for myself.

    It has been good reading others stories and I know I will continue to come back to this site, not only for my daily goals, but for that extra support that I am not getting from those around me. I need to get these healthy habits permanately established now, before too much more time passes by. I am 30 now, I don't want to be doing this when I am 40. I want to be fit & slim when I am 40. I want to look like I am still early 30's when I am that age. If I keep going how I am today, I will end up like my mother at 55, and she is not happy. It is all worth it now to get ahold of a healthy lifestyle in order to not pay for it later. Especially since it feels so good to be healthy.

    Thanks for all of your stories. I look forward to seeing progress from all.


    Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • Tuovit
    Tuovit Posts: 10
    Hi Michelle,
    the best thing is that you recognize your own mistakes and that is very important. There is lots of people wondering why they gain or don't loose weight while popping potato chips in their mouth and "doing exercise". I think the first step is to understand your mistakes.
    I have a husband who is trying to support me but he has no clue what I'm going thru, he can eat what ever he wants and does nothing else but watches TV and he has no problem with his weight. I never drink sodas and that's the only thing he drinks, I never eat junk food and he eats junk everyday. Don't wait for your husband to go to the gym with you, I have been waiting 10 years and still waiting.
    All the best for your journey , you gonna make it!!!
  • xtraquispe
    xtraquispe Posts: 24 Member

    Support is what makes the difference! Have you ever heard of Beachbody? The have workout videos that BRING ON the results! From Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Yoga booty Ballet, Slim in 6, Power 90, to P90X! YOu also get a FREE coach that will give you video rotation and diet advice, and mostly just be there for you as a friend!

    If you're interest, go to and click on the join tab, then the join the community for free button! It's that easy and FREE! Here's to your first step towards a happy, healthy future!!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome! You have come to the right place. I used to not exercise if my husband didn't feel like it. I now just go. I know I have to, have started to see results and I am not going to quit . Our main walking place is in the local cemetery, hey I look at it as being quiet , hardly any traffic and the residents don't care what I look like while I'm doing it. It has hills and straight aways so I get a workout. Keep up the good work and you will get all the support here you could ever want. Good Luck!
  • nrgizrbny
    Hi Michelle,
    I know what you mean about the lack of family support, but you are right, you have to do it for YOU. I know at least in my situation, my husband saw my progress and started working out too after a while. I still get sabotaged by my kids junk food being around all the time and I have an enormous sweet tooth that I usually satisfy in the middle of the night which is the absolute worst time. I guess we all have challenges, but if we support each other and stay motivated we can do it!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Welcome... from one michelle to another, hehe. :laugh:

    It sounds like you have a really clear idea of what you should be doing and I think that is great. Just a matter of putting it into action.

    It is definitely hard when you aren't being support on your fitness goals. Good for you for taking the steps you need to in order to get the support you need and get healthy. It really sounds like you are in a good place to start your journey.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: