

  • Hi Shani I would love for us to support each other. My name is MONA and welcome to MFP.
    in New Member Comment by Mlove7 August 2011
  • Hi Meigan I just started on this site and your are like me I have to make myself eat , I love to eat just not the right things. As long as I have healthy options all through the day its helps me not pig out when I get to eat a full meal. I also try to eat normal stuff but better choices instead of rice I get a vegetable…
  • Hi Im Mona I am just getting started not going yo weigh my self until five weeks have passed. I would love to buddy up and encourage each other. My first goal is to lose 30 lbs. Then go from there I can definetly stand to lose 60n or more pounds.
  • Hi Travis Welcome I am new too! I have been here about a week now!!
    in New to MFP Comment by Mlove7 August 2011
  • Yeah BABY LOL
  • Thank You very much !!! I will need this for support !!!!!!!