New and Frustrated

:flowerforyou: I have found it being very frustrating to be working out 5 days a week for over a year and I have only lost 15lbs. I know my diet is not the best...I tried doing weight watchers which was working for me but got annoying too. I found this calorie count site and hope this is better for me to keep up with...I am finding myself going over my calorie count like three days out of the week....soooo hard I hate eating but I hate starving too.....anyone have some pointers of what would help to keep myself on track with my calories. Keep in mind I have a family that can eat anything cause they are like skinny minis and high metabolism unlike bad food is everywhere in my house!!!! Help! By the way great to be a part of fitness pal hope I meet some more people......


Meigan :heart:


  • jesscowart0501
    jesscowart0501 Posts: 17 Member
    how many calories does MFP allow you per day?
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome - make sure to fill your house with healthy options for yourself. I try and keep lots of fruits available - and some W.W. ice cream for my treats at night which is my hardest time. Feel free to friend me.
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Hello! In my opinion, just because the rest of your family can eat whatever they want doesn't mean it has to be totally unhealthy. And I am a firm believer of leading by example. The more healthy stuff you eat, the kids will follow. SO keep some healthy alternatives for you and when your family sees you pick up a piece of fruit or veggie, they (especially the kids) will ask to try it. Make it exciting and fun. Not only does that help you keep under your calories but it will change the "bad" eating habits with good ones and the rest of the family will eventually follow!! hope that helps. :flowerforyou:
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Remember not to jack up your healthy things in small portions all day long. And drink a TON of water. And keep exercising! I think your weight loss of 15 pounds in 1 year is GREAT!! You have to realize that the average adult gains 10 lbs per year, so you losing 15 ........your smoking! You are doing great! Keep up the good work and if you want to friend me go right ahead. I'm a pretty good cheerleader :) Lisa from CA
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    I have a family as well that seem to eat all day long too. I usually prepare my meals ahead of time so everything is planned and ready for me when its time to eat. Another thing that has helped me is to eat every 2-3 hours so I don't get hungry and over eat when I do. Try avoid buying the "bad" food so that way you don't have it in the house and are tempted to eat it. Feel free to add to me. Good luck!!! :smile:
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Welcome - make sure to fill your house with healthy options for yourself. I try and keep lots of fruits available - and some W.W. ice cream for my treats at night which is my hardest time. Feel free to friend me.

    ^This. And you can't look at it as a diet, it has to be a lifestyle change. It's also a great opportunity to set your two kids on a nutritional path that will serve them well for the rest of their lives!
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    I understand your frustration. I have a house full of teenagers and a husband who can eat anything they want so I can certainly relate about having those temptations all around you. I have made a choice to do little things like buy baked potato chips along with the other options my family likes, switched to bagel thins and the kids actually seem to like those and I have options like Skinny Cows and Fudge Bars for me and then ice cream for the family. By doing these small things I am eating better and losing weight but not denying myself things that I love. I know there are others that go for all natural foods, etc... but I just can't seem to make that huge of a leap so I have done just little changes. I have also added a lot of fresh fruits and veggie options for snacking and was surprised that many times my kids would choose some blueberries over a snack cake. I have lost about 13lbs since beginning of May. Not gangbuster weightloss but I am still enjoying having a beer or some pizza every now and again. Good luck on your journey and feel free to friend me.
  • I try to include lower calorie meals into everyones day. For dinner since it's summer we'll grill and try to stay away from heavy foods like pasta and meatloaf. For snacks I'll cut up veggies or fruit and take them to work with some dip or I'll buy the skinny cow ice cream or candy, 100 calorie packs, Jamba Juice fruit bars, or 100 calorie popcorn packs. However I do allow myself to "cheat" every once in awhile but I keep track of my calories and try to stay with in my limit. When it comes to fast food I'll order the kids meal or I'll order off the dollar menu. Like a sandwich and a jr. fry and I try to skip the pop and drink water instead. I've also found I love to substitute the Burger King Icees instead of pop. A medium is only around 150 calories and keeps me cool and my sweet side satisfied for awhile. If I know I'm going to be over I'll try to up my exercise that day or the day after. Hope this helps.
  • MadDogTannen22
    MadDogTannen22 Posts: 88 Member
    I can relate with the frustration I first felt, and most days still do, with my 1200 calorie per day limit (that's what MFP suggested). However, I am trying to learn to eat lots of low calories and filling foods, like veges. It is very challenging because I am one of those people who don't know how to cook, so it is definitely a learning curve for me. But it is helpful!! It is completely changing the way I look at food, and changing from a battle to a partnership. Feel free to friend me:smile:
  • Mlove7
    Mlove7 Posts: 7
    Hi Meigan

    I just started on this site and your are like me I have to make myself eat , I love to eat just not the right things. As long as I have healthy options all through the day its helps me not pig out when I get to eat a full meal. I also try to eat normal stuff but better choices instead of rice I get a vegetable and I have been able to stay below my calories for the most part. I don't belive in diets I believe on healthy normal eating. I don't have it down yet but it is gettting easier. Add me as a friend if you like. Thanks for being so honest. You will do great with MFP . I am doing great with it.
  • I echo what the other ladies are saying. Being healthy should be a quest for the entire house - especially with kids around they will model the behavior you exhibit and if you exhibit eating health, they will too!!!

    I eat alll day long. I eat small things. for me the key is planning my meals. If I do not think and plan what I am going to be eating - I will eat anything that is waved in front of my face

    I also find that by checking in with my MFP friends - who are undergoing similar struggles - I have more of my own strength

    I'd love to call you a friend, if you want some encouragement I love to offer it and recieve it as well!! make me a friend!
  • I like Hungry Girl recipes for desserts/snacks ( You can find some recipes on her website by clicking on the TV Show tab, then scroll to the bottom. You can also see exactly which recipes are in each one of her books before you buy. I especially like her frozen coffee drinks!
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    If you have been working out for over a year 5 days a week make sure you look at some of the other benefits of working out that include healthy heart, lower stress levels, energy, fighting off sickness. You have come to the right place for support and some good knowledge. There are many benefits to being healthy so stay positive change your workouts and intensity from time to time and enjoy your health lifestyle
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    HI! For me, I had to change my diet in order to lose weight. I trained and completed a marathon and actually gained weight. As for your house, I would try to get your family on board with healthy eating. You can still keep a few snacks around, but if you are eating well, the rest of the family will follow. My kids are picky, but as I introduce a variety of foods they have started to eat more. For a week or so, maybe you could plan your meals out really carefully to stay within your calorie limits. I found after about a month of keeping close track, I started to naturally eat the right amount. You can do it!!! Good luck!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I am great at working out, but have always eaten too much.

    The best thing to get me to eat healthy is to find ways to make it fun. I try lots of new recipes, and embrace any vegetable recipe I enjoy (there aren't many)

    Check out the recipes section of MFP or try to get some inspiration.
  • Thank you all for the great advice and those who were asking my calorie count is 1300 a day
  • I think my calorie limit is 1347 or something like that! I am "gym rat" and I have become frustrated with the lack of weight loss. I know it is the food. I used Weight Watchers but got frustrated because they didn't take calories into consideration anymore with the Plus plan, which seemed to be a joke, and so I found this through a friend. I like seeing that I came under my goal each day and I love the amount of items that the program has to add to the diary! I think there is more than Weight Watchers!

    I am a licensed Zumba instructor and I want to be able to be better at it and not feel self conscious about my weight while dancing. My exercise has dropped my cholesterol, lipids, and blood I have seen some benefits!
  • If you are going over your calorie count because you are starving maybe you can try switching to complex carbs. Foods like whole grain instead of white flour etc. Those make me feel full for longer and take longer to digest and less likely to be turned into fat. And 15 lbs is a great feat! Good job and keep it up! :)