

  • Very easy really for every stone it's 14 lb then add a lb for every lb you are over that stone example would be 13st 7 lb is 13 x14 = 182 + 7= 189 simples!!!
  • you need to get the balance of those foods right to lose weight, it's not just down to calories!! make sure you have your carbs/protiens/fats in the correct proportion and you will lose weight, how much you lose and when is down to your life style it's not an exact science, the food we put in our body is though, so I would…
  • How good is the bunkbed? and who get's to sleep on the other bed?? Important questions I ask myself when choosing!!
  • Why on earth do you care what she thinks?? It may well be her own opnion but does it matter?? all that matters is how you feel, my worry is that she has hit a nerve, the fact she makes you so angry says more about how you are feeling, do you feel muscles are as she says in your heart of hearts or not?? If you don't then…
  • Just starting out on here myself, I signed up to slimming world last week and I was finding it such a drag, I will keep going to group but the way they do things just doesn't help me. I have used calorie counting before, why? because it works!! you can eat anything you enjoy, you can have days where you feel down and go…