

  • Keep in mind- if you do not consume enough calories, you will kill your metabolism....and it is hard to repair. You will loose a lot of weight, and very fast. But it will catch up to you, you will not only plateau but gain, you will feel like crap, and you will have a hard time getting your metabolism back on track. Eat…
  • I do a lot of beans, quinoa (its the highest protein grain), and I do eat 2 eggs each day. On my heavy workout days I will supplement with a whey protein shake. I find that my body does need a little bit of animal protein- so I limit my meat consumption to a small portion for dinner 1x or 2x per week. But, every body is…
  • Agreed- you are absolutely KILLING your metabolism. Your body will go into more of a survival/starvation mode where it tries to hang on to every bit of fat it can. You stop burning fat- and it can take a year or more to repair. Sure, you will loose a lot- and you'll do it fast. But I guarantee it won't stay off, you will…
  • Absolutely you should be changing your goal- even 1 pound per week may be hard at this point. BUT- that doesn't mean that progress is not being made. Are you engaged in physical activity? If not, I would highly suggest you start a fitness program as another step towards a healthy lifestyle. Your caloric intake should also…