

  • Can't anyone from here the US send it to you. I've seen it in almost every grocery store I go to.
  • I'm there too...mad at myself...REALLY mad at myself. BUT, I gotta try to keep "plugging along". I have to...I don't want to be unhealthy for the rest of my life.
  • Thank you so much for this post, I really REALLY needed to read this. For the majority of my 51 years I would have answered every one of those questions with "because I'm me" as to why I didn't deserve any of those things. And sometimes those demons still raise their was one of those days... and I've found my…
  • I'm not sure what you expected but, I think you look fabulous. Maybe you had unrealistic expectations. We're always harder on ourselves than anyone else is. Please don't let this discourage you, if anything, let it motivate you so maybe next time, your expectations and reality will be closer together. Keep up the good…
  • AMAZING!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • 45 minutes moderate (walking the dog) pace
  • Thank you so much! Good luck to you too!!!
  • WOW, Thank you!!! I loved reading that to start out my weekend. I wish you much success on your goals, whatever they may be. And from the attitude your words convey, you are an amazingly spectacular person as well. I pray that all in your life appreciate you for the gem you are.
  • I just started with a "realistic" healthier eating plan and moderate exercise. Though for the most part I try to make healthy choices, I DO allow myself little "indulgences" mostly on the weekends. I don't ever want to have the opinion that any food is "bad" per se, but rather am trying to look at it as trying to make…