

  • Well who ever signed you up did a poor job of explaining things too you, and they should have followed up with you the very next month to explain or answer any questions. I for one love the product and try very hard to keep my customers happy. BTW, you can still get the vitamins and not be a preferred customer, it will…
  • Congradulations!! And may add me as a friend
  • I have a very busy schedule myself. With two kids and a husband who works 60 hours a week, my life is full from the time I get up until the time I crash in bed with running kids here and there, all the household chores and volunteering in kids' classrooms. I usually go to bed around 8-9 and wake up arond 4:30. This is "MY…
  • I just find that eating most of your alloted calories, you don't feel like your dieting. However, I do make good food choices to fill in the calories lost during exercise. The one thing I've noticed also, I don't feel like binge eating at all and I have TONS of energy. I now can run 4 miles in 39 minutes with no problem,…
  • Today I had a cheat day, went over my calories by 400 or so. I know I'm coming up on "that time of the month" which my food cravings go crazy. I treat myself to my cravings, but know I will need to excercise a little longer to work them off. Just the thought of working off 400 calories will curb my cravings until the next…
  • Welcome Claire. You may friend me if you'd like. Good luck.
  • Hello and welcome. I would love to add you as a friend. I have to boys of my own, 5 & 3, and know exactly what you mean about keeping you honest.
  • Hi Lauren, welcome! This is a wonderful site, isn't it? You may add me as a friend it you'd like.