

  • i hate eating so often during the day. i rather eat 2-3 meals a day you can just eat 3 meals at 630 calories a meal. if you think thats a lot, you can easily add some healthy fats like 2 tbl olive oil is 200 calories. some coconut oil, nuts, olive oil, avocado. those can easily pack on the calories without the density of…
  • LIZ- with that calculator my BMR is 1209 and my TDEE with sedetary is 1451 and with 3-5 days exercise its 1875 other sites have givin me a TDEE of 2050 so if I subtract 20% from that it would put me at 1640. so maybe I should up my calories a bit to 1650? if I set my calories to 1650 and set my marcos to 35/35/30 C/P/F…
  • I don't eat breads rice sugar pasta potatoes, exc... I only get carbs from fruit vegetables and some dairy(only at breakfast-Greek yogurt or cottage cheese) and I am by far not low carb. So if you truly want to go low carb you'll have to watch those thins too
  • I have 45 grams of protein before lunch. i have a protein shake after my workout at 7am- 20 grams i have a cup of full fat yogurt or cottage cheese(20 grams) with some slivered almonds and 100 grams of berries(5 grams)- 25 total i also eat low carb(try and stay under 60-70 carbs a day for lunch i have 3-4 oz. of diced…
  • How many grams of protein do you need to reach a day? Full fat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese has 20 grams A protein shake has another 20 gram Tilapia or most fish have another 20 gram Or more for all of these . I dice chicken in a salad with avacado and feta for lunch. Almonds also have good fats and protein. I forget…
  • bump how is everyone doing? i'm at 140 and want to go to 110 but for some reason its not coming off as easily as I thought it would. thinking of lowering my calories and staying around 1000-1200 with exercise instead of 1200-1400 that i'm doing now
  • Day eater sorry autocorrect
  • I wouldn't eat if I'm not hungry You should listen to your body Some days you'll eat more than other days. I'm a morning and early day water and often skip dinner Listen to your body. Eating when not hungry is what got us overweight
  • I think you have to do whats right for YOU I usually eat at 9am and then again at 1pm and most days dont eat till the next day. i dont get hungry at night. I do have bigger meals and they are at least 600 calories because I use a lot of olive oil and other healthy fats, cheeses. so definetly getting in the right calories I…