

  • This is awesome!!! You can totally tell- and 16.5 inches! That's a ton! Good for you- keep up the good work!!!
  • I totally know how you feel!!! Since doing Satan's workouts, maybe thats why I'm plateuing! We're using muscles we haven't used in forever. That could be why. You should applaud yourself for making it through those grueling workouts and tell yourself to not look at the scale for a week, or even longer! I know its super…
  • You're doing awesome, girl! Keep up the good work! Baby steps- and you'll reach your goal!
  • Thanks! I have slowly started adding regular exercise into my routine, so I guess I'm bummed that the weight isnt coming off faster. I think it stresses me out still because I'm still wearing maternity clothes. I would soooo love to be in my regular clothes. I will try to relax. lol! I am sure the stress of not losing…
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