Megabozz Member


  • My suggestion would be to complete the program at whatever pace you feel comfortable with and worry about speed later. Just focus on finishing your first 5k and enjoying the atmosphere and experience, there is plenty of time to get faster as you continue to run. Whatever time you get on your first 5k will be the number to…
  • If, for example, you need 2000 calories to maintain your current weight and you have told MFP that you want to lose 1 pound a week, it might recommend 1700 calories per day (I'm making up numbers). If you eat that 1700 you will lose about 1 pound a week. If you work out and burn 300, you would have taken in 1400 for the…
  • Yup. I did MWF and took the weekends off. You will get there!
  • I just recently finished c25k about a month ago and I can assure you it works; I now run 3 miles every other day. Selecting the right speed for your level is what its all about. I did the whole program on the treadmill before going outside. I did 5mph run and 3.5 walk and the pace is getting better as I continue to train.…