
Advice greatly needed and most certainly appreciated... I CAN'T RUN!!!!

I'm starting the C25K program again today. It's still freezing and icey in NYC so I'll be running on a treadmill until it warms up.

I workout consistently. I CrossFit, I can go over an hour on an elliptical. BUT I can't run longer than 3 minutes without feeling like I might be dying.

Any advice is appreciated--breathing techniques, stride, posture, motivation...I have a Tough Mudder in 8 weeks and while I know I can handle the obstacles, it's the running part that has me absolutely terrified.


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Slow down. How fast are you running? Whatever it is, its too fast if you feel like you're dying. Your cardio system is ready to run but your specific running muscles & tendons need time to strengthen and catch up.
    Slow down. If you feel like you're going too slow, slow down some more. Speed will come on its own.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Slow down. How fast are you running? Whatever it is, its too fast if you feel like you're dying. Your cardio system is ready to run but your specific running muscles & tendons need time to strengthen and catch up.
    Slow down. If you feel like you're going too slow, slow down some more. Speed will come on its own.

    SLOW. I mean like, 4mph..It's a jog. My lungs are on fire, my legs hurt instantly.
    I don't understand why it's SO hard for me
  • Megabozz
    Megabozz Posts: 5 Member
    I just recently finished c25k about a month ago and I can assure you it works; I now run 3 miles every other day. Selecting the right speed for your level is what its all about. I did the whole program on the treadmill before going outside. I did 5mph run and 3.5 walk and the pace is getting better as I continue to train. Slow it down to where you can do it while still able to talk and you will be in the right training area.

    Edit: Also, don't be afraid to repeat workouts if you feel like you are not ready for the next one.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Take it slow, and know that Crossfit makes you better at Crossfit, and elliptical makes you better at the elliptical. Only running will make you a better runner.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yup, you're trying to go too fast.

    And keep your posture relaxed - dont hunch your shoulders or clench your fists.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    SLOW. I mean like, 4mph..It's a jog. My lungs are on fire, my legs hurt instantly.
    I don't understand why it's SO hard for me

    That's pretty fast for a beginner. I started at 5.7K/hr (3.5 miles/hr) and wasn't running 6K/hr (3.75 miles/hr) until close to the end of C25K. I am slow, so you may be quicker than me, but I suggest trying to slow down and see if that helps you.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It will come surprisingly fast if you follow the C25K program. When I started the C25K back a couple of years ago, I was doing 60 minutes full out on the ARC trainer 6-7 days a week. Then I started running and thought I was going to die. I thought I was in great shape until then. LOL

    Now I run 3 times a week and even though I sweat like crazy, I don't worry that I might die anymore.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    3-2 breathing made the difference for me. it's a three step inhale and two step exhale. Keeps your breathing regular and your exhale on alternating feet in your stride which provides balance to diaphragm constriction. There's an old article in RunnersWorld, I found it online, just google running breathing technique.

  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Take it slow, and know that Crossfit makes you better at Crossfit, and elliptical makes you better at the elliptical. Only running will make you a better runner.

    ^^^^ This! Sloooooow down!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Take it slow, and know that Crossfit makes you better at Crossfit, and elliptical makes you better at the elliptical. Only running will make you a better runner.
    This. This is exactly why I know that I have to buckle down and just keep at it if I want to do it.

    How often should I run? Every other day like the program suggests?
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    Yup, you're trying to go too fast.

    And keep your posture relaxed - dont hunch your shoulders or clench your fists.


    I do this EVERYTIME and live to regret it EVERYTIME :(
    I alos had exactly the issues your saying (lungs on fire, shin splints, muscles screaming at me)
    I havent been doing the C25K but have been running at my own pace... and it does improve with time (even my shin splints have gone)

    Keep it up, and I asure you, you wont regret it :)
  • Megabozz
    Megabozz Posts: 5 Member
    How often should I run? Every other day like the program suggests?

    Yup. I did MWF and took the weekends off. You will get there!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I did a Tough Mudder in Ohio last April. I don’t think there was ever a stretch where we ran more than 10 minutes; there are just so many obstacles that you are only really running short distances. After the first few obstacles, you are such a mess (totally soaked and covered with mud, clothes and shoes weighed down with mud and water) that you aren’t exactly running under optimal conditions, so most people are sort of jog/walking and not sprinting. Also, if you participate with a group, you will spend time waiting for stragglers, which will allow for a little more rest.

    I would just keep working the treadmill, especially programming sprints and random inclines. You are going to be running up and down hills across muddy terrain, so the incline training will definitely help.
  • nessa2BFit
    nessa2BFit Posts: 155 Member
    i was the same way when i started last july... my lungs burned my legs cramped i thought i would never get it... i found i had to repeat weeks on the C25K but i just kept going and i don't know when it changed but it did! just keep going walk if you have to and just try to push yourself 30 sec more each run....
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    How often should I run? Every other day like the program suggests?

    I did c25k, followed the program which asked for running 3x a week and finished successfully without injury. It works.
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    I would do three times a week rather that every other day... When I got into running it was my breathing that was the problem, never the legs. Are you fine with walking? I mean could you walk two three miles etc?

    And wear comfy shoes?

    Perseverance is key, good luck with your race!
  • Go slow - then go slower!!! Kind of like running at walking pace. Pretend you're holding an egg between your thumb and forefinger so you don't clench your fists and don't clench your teeth!!!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I did a Tough Mudder in Ohio last April. I don’t think there was ever a stretch where we ran more than 10 minutes; there are just so many obstacles that you are only really running short distances. After the first few obstacles, you are such a mess (totally soaked and covered with mud, clothes and shoes weighed down with mud and water) that you aren’t exactly running under optimal conditions, so most people are sort of jog/walking and not sprinting. Also, if you participate with a group, you will spend time waiting for stragglers, which will allow for a little more rest.

    I would just keep working the treadmill, especially programming sprints and random inclines. You are going to be running up and down hills across muddy terrain, so the incline training will definitely help.

    I volunteered at 2 TM events, including the World's Toughest Mudder. While I know that the running is secondary, there is still at least a mile between obstacles, and I can't currently run a mile. And I'm running with a friend, who is definitely a seasoned runner!
    My goal for the next 8 weeks is to get up to comfortably running that mile
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I would do three times a week rather that every other day... When I got into running it was my breathing that was the problem, never the legs. Are you fine with walking? I mean could you walk two three miles etc?

    And wear comfy shoes?

    Perseverance is key, good luck with your race!

    I can walk NP- for me, breathing is a BIG issue as well, maybe even more so than my legs. My legs I run into issue with my shins hurting, since who the hell ever really uses those unless youre a runner?!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    How often should I run? Every other day like the program suggests?

    I did c25k, followed the program which asked for running 3x a week and finished successfully without injury. It works.

    Did you have to repeat weeks? When did it get difficult for you?