

  • Yeah, whey or other fast-absorbing protein recommended within 30 minutes after workout.
  • I believed that muscle burned quite a few calories myself until recently. Apparently that's not true- the figure is about 3-7 calories more. I wouldn't lie, I recommend looking it up yourself, you'll be as surprised as I was. "More than one study has shown that untrained men who lifted weights could burn an extra 30-35…
  • :drinker: Until I found this I felt pretty discouraged. I get my 90g protien in. I weight train 3x a week. I eat 1,000 calories and I'm not ashamed of it
  • I'm a true lurker I guess, I was feeling 100% outcasted by the 'community' here for trying to talk about how you're not going to jump into starvation mode if a sedentary dieter wants to deviate from 1,200 calories. I got totally slammed. I feel a bit better now, I suppose, this is the first non-1,200 calorie-or-else post…
  • :indifferent:
  • I don't mean to step on anyone's toes or to dole out idiotic advice. I'd like to think I'm not completely naive in thinking that the 1,200 calorie baseline that's established is because of the average 2,400 calorie a day diet. Not everyone has a BMI of 2,400, or do they? I thought the general rule of thumb is not to lose…
  • I found this. A lot of people are adamant about not going below 1,200 calories, so this will be my last interjection, but I thought this was interesting. ""A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires. Using myself as an example,…
  • But they won't prescribe lower than 1,200 in any case to keep you out of "starvation mode". I don't completely buy it, plus, if there is a "starvation mode", wouldn't it be different for everyone? Especially those with a low BMR?
  • It's high for me too but it's recommended by this website. You can change it manually- I changed mine to 900.
  • I do about 900 cals/day with 20 mins elliptical @ 150cals. I'm 5'2 and 122lbs and steadily loosing. Upping cals made me gain too. Works for some people but sometimes to see results I have to decrease them.
  • tru.
  • Yes. Always so much over on sugar but have 50% carbs and/or sodium to spare at the end of each day. Meh.
  • I get numb toes on the elliptical as well. I don't know what your electrolyte level is but a low one is a common cause of muscle cramps. Whether it's this or something else, magnesium helps immensely to prevent cramps.
  • it's a palindrome :]
  • That's right! Water: 2-3 hrs before exercise with 2-3 cups Coconut water: contains some electrolytes (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium) Gatorade: easily digestible carbohydrates, electrolytes, good for workouts that are intense or more than 60 minutes POST workout Juice (antioxidants to counter free radicals produced…
  • Absolutely try weight training! If you feel you've hit a plateau, it's one of the best things you can do. I recommend weights before cardio. Once a week for full body, or a different muscle group every 2-3 days (for example: Mon = abs. est. time: 6 mins. Wed = arms and back. est. time: 15mins.) Simple weight training…