

  • My word this is a fast moving forum isn't it!! Been on others (not fitness related) and it took me ages to tot up this many replies!! Diosadealimento - that's how I find I am with junk foods too. Think the nuts are a definite. As it's normally a saturday morning class, may also try and incorporate an avacado or cheese into…
  • Ooo, nuts! I've always classed those as 'bad' because they're so calorific - but as that what I'm looking for, I guess on Zumba days they can be an allowed treat. Yay, another incentive to exercise!!
  • Thanks for your replies. I don't always try to eat them all back, but do find I'm really hungry for the rest of that day and for a couple of days after - must really boost my metabolism!! So I guess that may be why I'm thinking of eating some back on the day after too. I just feel I'm constantly picking on these days and…