

  • I felt really good a couple days out, then it kinda hit me and I was tired more easily. My dr put me on an Iron pill, so I am hoping that will help. I feel great for the most part, but still just a little more tired.
  • I am at a point now where i know this just has to happen. So if insurance won't approve it, i guess i will be financing it. I have to do this for me....
  • Thank you! I hope all goes as planned and i get approved! I am so tired of being the person i have let myself turn into.
  • Thank you for all the responses. I too am just tracking calories and trying to stay away from useless calories like soda and also doing Zumba twice a week. I was just curious what others were doing. So far I am having much success with it. You do stop craving bad foods after a while.