

  • Under 1400 calories will mess with your metabolism. I would eat some of those workout calories. (Maybe 200 of them.) How do you like the Fitbit Flex? I am trying to decide which Fitbit to buy. Pedometers never read accurate for me. I can put it on my pocket or waistband and by noon it might say I have walked 10 steps. I…
  • I weigh every day. I know that isn't what they advise, but every time I gain 10-20 lbs., it is because I haven't been on the scales at all. If I'm up, I cut back a bit. Sometimes weighing motivates me to exercise. I'm using the scales as one of the tools to succeed.
  • I agree. I can't work on a full stomach, but my daughter can't work out when she hasn't eaten. I think it is your preference.
  • I spent two years wearing ASIC gels. Then last summer the pair I had made the balls of my feet hurt so bad that I couldn't walk, much less run. Finally in December, I bought the Nike Lunar Eclipse. I love them. I am running again. Check out a running store where they will watch your stride and see what you need.
  • I am thinking of giving up Facebook and Pinterest--and all the games on FB and my phone. I figure I waste quite a bit of time on those. I bet I can find something better to do with my time. My husband will probably thank me, too!
  • 209. Vowed I would never get to 200 again. I didn't. This time I started at 194. argh!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the last time I will be above 170. Ever.
  • Way to go! Doesn't it feel great? Keep up the good work.
  • I can't stand to run inside. I have run as low as 12 outside. I'll walk no matter how cold, but under 10 I don't run. (Hurts my lungs.) The ice and snow are what really bother me. The 50's aren't kind to broken bones. I don't need to worry about a fall.
  • I usually pull on shoes. The older I get, the more important my feet are!