emshim Member


  • This sounds rather yummy and different - id not usually choose pastrami but when I do I love it! Whats Havarti? Never heard of that! (I'm from UK - perhaps its not a thing here?)
  • BRUSH YOUR TEETH SOON AFTER DINNER! It will help you not want to snack afterwards :) Then the only thing that tastes good is water! No one likes minty haribo or menthol biscuits!!!
  • Feel free to add me! A young UK bred half hippie here I reckon :)
  • Thanks for the idea on making your own curry paste! I generally have bought curry pastes just to have them in the cupboard to use on a whim, but I am definitely going to have a go at making my own next time :) (Home cooked everything is ALWAYS best!) Thanks for the yummy sounding recipe :)
  • Wow BattyBecks, your recipes sound delish - I am going to have a go at the turkey mince chilli with the simmering rather than frying, great tip :) Swordfish I adore, and fish is so simple to have with new potatoes & asparagus (my fav!). It's not a bad fish to get my boyfriend to eat either (he's not a fishy fishy type, but…
  • The other day I marinaded chicken breast chunks in a mix of chicken tikka paste & fat free yoghurt for a few hours, shoved them on skewers on the bbq/grill and served with cous cous & roasted veg. It was beautiful and very healthy! However, any suggestions on a less sugary/salty chicken tikka paste would be useful (i used…
  • My MFP is aiming at 1200 calories a day, and, although I don't always meet this, I do aim for this as a goal. 6 months ago I was probably eating around 1000 calories more than this each day, and now, aiming for 1200 I am actually getting close to this and always satisfied throughout the day, actually more than I was…
  • Not been looking at calories very long but this is EXACTLY how I feel and what calorie counting has enabled me to realise! Where I thought it was alright to have this snack here and there "when I was hungry", I find the last few weeks I have not been having these snacks because Im not actually hungry! It is a habit - I…
  • I think hes brilliant. So funny and smart, I love the political side to him and how he is very poetic when he speaks. Ponderland is my fav :)
  • Hi Nick! Hope you are getting on well with your programme! Just to say my partner was around 22 stone as of 2 years ago, he started healthier eating, got a gym membership and started going 3 times per week, got a programme from the team there and within 18 months he was down to 15 stone. A 7 stone loss without anything too…
  • Vodka & soda water, with a squeeze of fresh lime :) Problem is I love a beer and coming from the West Country (UK) then there is no choice but to love a cider :) Alcohol is definitely my downfall... And the assumption of "we all"... if you were looking to the UK, then you'd probably be mostly right, we're a right load of…
  • Porridge with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries!
  • I live in Bristol! :)
  • This is what me and my partner read and both quit as of the day we stopped reading it. I also have 8 friends who have read it. 7 of whom have quit completely and never felt so good. I'd really recommend, and you don't have to quit before reading it, it's actually better that you don't. I couldn't recommend this book more…
  • 25! I'm planning on losing about the same amount too :) And quit smoking about 18 months ago now, best thing i've ever done :)