Nick from UK

Hello all,
just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Nick a 53 year old married Father father of 3 grown up kids. I live in Romford, UK.

I am probably at the extreme end of the scale, I think this is a fitness blog but I am using it as a dieting resource. (I hope that's ok)

I have got to an extreme state, at 29 stone I need to do something and fast to get my life back on track.

I have looked around online and decided that a Paleo diet is for me, which for people who do not know is basically eating meat and veggies,salads and fats, while leaving out grains, rice and pasta. I also want the accountability of counting calories which is why I joined this site.

I have started a blog tonight, will update weekly when I weigh-in and hopefully will be posting some good news soon.

so that's me, take care all and am looking forward to getting to know you all and making some friends here,
bye for now,


  • emshim
    emshim Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Nick!

    Hope you are getting on well with your programme! Just to say my partner was around 22 stone as of 2 years ago, he started healthier eating, got a gym membership and started going 3 times per week, got a programme from the team there and within 18 months he was down to 15 stone. A 7 stone loss without anything too drastic.

    I think the first thing that helped him was to not wallow, thinking he wasn't going to ever change and realise that there is something he could do, just like you have. Then it was all up from there :) He has more energy, gets out and about much more, is much more social, can buy clothes from normal high street shops and says its the best thing he has ever done.

    You haven't gone too far, its something that you can fix and although not super easy, just keep your mind on track, realise you will have a few ups and downs, you might eat something real bad or have too many pints or have some fast food now and again but everyone does and so start logging, get up and about even if its just taking a 10-15 min walk every lunchtime in addition to what else you are doing and you will soon notice the pounds start dropping off :)

    Good luck Nick!
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Hi Nick

    I was 22st in january and changing my diet was not an option following medical problems, I started with just portion control weighing foods and accurately recording my calorific input. I went from 308lbs to 266lbs then started exercising just walking at first and some cycling by 12 August I was down to 249lbs at which point I started using MFP to record everything. I weigh all food record everything that I eat and drink and I purchased a quality second hand rowing machine for £60, Eliiptical £60 and exercise bike for £30. I now exercise 6-7 times a week and calculate the calories burned using a Polar heart rate monitor, following the MFP plan I have lost another 22.3lbs currently weighing in at 226.6lbs.

    There is no fast fix but if you record accurately and manage to maintain a calorie deficit the weight does come off. I weigh myself daily but do not worry about gains and losses until they become a trend as I can fluctuate up to 2kg in 24hrs for no apparent reason. All the best with your weight loss program feel free to add me if you wish.