linneyo Member


  • :happy: I'm in... the Month of March I want to lose 5% of my body weight so that is 7.5 pounds ... SW: 173 CW: 148 GW: 135 Weigh in Dates: 3/1: 149 lbs. 3/8: 3/15: 3/22: 3/28: End of Month: Total weight lost: This Month I'm focusing on Weight Training and incorporating cardio.. but not much cardio; just enough to get my…
  • I'm in... the Month of March I want to lose 5% of my body weight so that is 7.5 pounds ... SW: 173 CW: 148 GW: 135 Weigh in Dates: 3/1: 149 lbs. 3/8: 3/15: 3/22: 3/28: End of Month: Total weight lost: This Month I'm focusing on Weight Training and incorporating cardio.. but not much cardio; just enough to get my heart rate…
  • @jlapey ... on your non workout days.. what calorie amount are you consuming? I need to figure a way out to break my plateau as well. I'm on my 3rd week (day 3 of weight training) taking weekends off to recover... and I am consuming more protein, and staying within range of my 1200 caloire day.. but i'm hungry too.. like…
  • NSV.. i like that.. (ok.. so you are totally motivating me to dust off my P90 DVDs i have at home and have yet to use!)... :sad:
  • wow.. that is amazing.. can you share your secret with me.. on how to get there.. because i'm struggling.. i know it's "diet" .. i just have to get a handle on my weekend eating.. HELP! and aweomse job on the numbers on your body as well as running!!! I have taken up running too.. although i'm not where near that time..…
  • wow.. i have the p90 at home as well.. and i haven't started it.. i want to .. but i haven't.. i can see that being true (need the calories as fuel for your muscles/body).. in order to lose weight! let me know what you come up with ..because i'm with you.. i don't think i'm eating enough calories to lose weight, and my…
  • wow.. i have the p90 at home as well.. and i haven't started it.. i want to .. but i haven't.. i can see that being true (need the calories as fuel for your muscles/body).. in order to lose weight! let me know what you come up with ..because i'm with you.. i don't think i'm eating enough calories to lose weight, and my…
  • omg.. that is exactly where i am.. (i feel like i'm gaining and losing the same 2-3 lbs). I have made small goals.. for instance.. (jot every single thing down).. which i am planning to really track daily (although my weekends tend to hurt me) .. :( what i'm doing now is really focusing on a low carb high protein diet and…
  • i've been perfecting the egg white omlete (3 egg whites).. a spray of olive oil; (in separate pan i saute my mushrooms, onions, and spinach) .. and then add to my egg whites (and it's done).. fast easy and filling . (and .. 185 calories).. and it keeps me full for a good part of my morning! :)